Her upcoming itinerary was quite full. First, she would go to Shanghai to meet Mrs. Yu and visit the jewelry exhibition. Then, she would fly to Paris to try on that red pear-colored dress and do some shopping. After that, she would attend a friend's piano debut in Versailles. Ten days later, she would return to Pingcheng to attend Cheng Yu's birthday banquet.

"Yu Yu wants that LV bag," just a second before boarding the plane, Cheng Yu was still persistently emphasizing to her, "It's the limited edition in China..."

"I know," Ming Si interrupted him impatiently, "You've said it eight hundred times already, I remember."

And this person, supposedly called her to bid farewell, but every word he said revolved around that LV bag.

Cheng Yu seemed to turn his head and say something to someone, his voice gradually becoming unclear; then he turned back, and Ming Si heard him say, "Brother Xian wants to talk to you."

Ming Si casually replied, "Then give the phone to him."

"No need, he asked me to convey the message," Cheng Yu cleared his throat and suddenly he used a nasal and coquettish tone, "Xian Xian also wants a LV bag."

Ming Si: "..."

Of course, she knew that Liang Xian's original words couldn't be like this. Most likely, Liang Xian heard Cheng Yu talking about wanting the bag and casually responded that he wanted one too.

But now, with Cheng Yu's imitation of Liang Xian's voice, Ming Si couldn't help but imagine Liang Xian saying this. Goosebumps quickly formed on her skin.

Her scalp tingled, and before hanging up, she blurted out, "Tell him to buy it himself!"

The plane landed at Shanghai Airport. Ming Si pulled down her eye mask and yawned as she got up.

She lifted the sun visor, and the sunlight outside was still bright and dazzling. She took out a small mirror from her bag and carefully touched up her lipstick. As she walked out of the cabin onto the jet bridge, she put her sunglasses back on.

After walking a few steps, Mrs. Yu's call came in. While answering, Ming Si continued to walk towards the exit without looking around.

In her seven-centimeter high heels, she walked effortlessly, the slender heels tapping the ground rhythmically, making a subtle sound.

Along the way, the passengers on the same flight couldn't help but sneak glances at her.

With her face concealed by sunglasses, they couldn't see her features clearly. However, her excellent figure and elegant temperament were undeniable. Even in a simple white shirt dress, she looked both beautiful and chic.

She seemed like a celebrity, but she had an indescribable air of nobility that most celebrities lacked.

Just as she picked up her luggage, a figure appeared from the side, blocking most of the light, "Miss Ming?"

The voice sounded unfamiliar; Ming Si glanced sideways, using a finger to hook the edge of her sunglasses and pulled them down slightly, "Who are you?"

The man smiled and introduced himself, "I'm Zheng Yizhou, a friend of Yu Niannian."

He was wearing a blue shirt, quite tall, and had a good appearance. However, maybe it was because his skin was too fair, Ming Si couldn't help but feel that he looked a bit insipid.

"Hello!" She took off her sunglasses and nodded slightly.

Yu Niannian was Mrs. Yu's niece, and they were based in Shanghai. During this trip to Shanghai, Mrs. Yu would be staying at her place before as they attend the jewelry exhibition in Shanghai. Zheng Yizhou had come to pick her up.

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