Having said that, she had prepared herself for a confrontation.

However, Liang Xian inexplicably chuckled.

"Just take it that way. You can enjoy the benefits without fulfilling any obligations. Isn't it great?" He raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Or should we try the opposite?"

Ming Si wanted to slap the catalog on his face.

Two days later, Ming Si received the flying bird ruby brooch, and along with it, the Indian Falcon Blood Jade Bracelets that Liang Xian had won at the auction that night.

In the eyes of others, it truly seemed like he was trying to woo her. Even the female assistant, who ran errands for her, couldn't help but show a glimmer of secret gossip in her eyes.

In her bedroom, Ming Si propped her cheek with her hand and absentmindedly tapped the box with her fingers. The black velvet gift box had a diamond in the center, just like the dazzling lights in the hall during the auction.

Suddenly, she remembered the moment when Liang Xian had held her wrist.

His fingers were slender and distinct, and the sensation of him gripping her wrist felt strange. Ming Si unintentionally met his gaze, and in that instant, a fleeting thought flashed through her mind—

The person in front of her was not just her childhood friend or her enemy; he was a man.

Realizing this, even the most familiar person can become a stranger.

Her heartstrings seemed to be lightly plucked. Ming Si felt momentarily unsure of what to do.

Then, Liang Xian admitted that he wanted to woo her. However, his words and actions lacked genuine sincerity.

Ming Si furrowed her eyebrows, feeling increasingly puzzled about what he was up to.

He clearly had no romantic interest in her, yet he would come to pick her up, buy her jade bangles and brooches... Let alone being a model husband, this young master was becoming more and more incomprehensible.

"... We have verified it. Liang Xian indeed attended Mr. Yu's private auction event together with Miss Ming from the Ming family."

At the headquarters of Jinghong Group, in the vice president's office, Liang Jinyu looked at the three photos spread out on his desk, his brow furrowed.

On the other side of the desk, a slim man continued reporting, "It appears that Miss Ming was his companion."

Mr. Yu would only invite those he liked to his private auction; Liang Jinyu had no complaints about that. His gaze fell on one of the photos, and he pointed at the side profile of the man in the picture, "I heard a rumor recently about the possibility of a marriage alliance between the Liang family and the Ming family. Considering these rumors, what do you think it means for both of them to attend the event together?"

It was obviously a question that demanded a certain answer, and the slim man dared not voice it out.

He swallowed nervously and carefully replied, "Liang Xian and Miss Ming have been childhood friends. Perhaps they simply have a good relationship and happened to go together."

As the evening approached, the setting sun cast a warm glow through the large floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, gently climbing up the gray carpet and slowly enveloping the office desk.

Liang Jinyu stood in a position where the light and shadows were divided. Behind him was the warm, orange sunset, but his eyes were clouded with gloom.

After a moment, he raised the corner of his lips and smiled, "I hope that's the case. Otherwise, I'll be in a difficult situation."

I See RosesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz