agdhdsj making a wattpad story is so tiring but i wanna make this for my own entertainment. im probs gonna quit in like a few days but whatever, i'll see if i do. for now, i'm gonna try and take my time and not over work myself because let me tell you this shit makes you tired af... AAAAAAAAAA



( A/N - btw this is a time skip to the end of school) as always, school never failed to bore me and I found myself sighing of relief when the obnoxiously loud bell rang, signalling the end of school. classes were the only times I was able to be alone with my thoughts and although at times I couldn't stand the thought of being stuck listening to all of the things running through my mind, this day was different. i was stuck thinking about the dream that I had been having every morning, which was quite interesting compared to the dreams I used to have. taking a step outside of the classroom, my mind wandered as I recounted the sequences of events that had happened in my dream - or rather my nightmare.

I was tied up to a chair in the middle of pitch-black darkness, and for some reason my body didn't seem to listen to me so I didn't bother struggling against the ropes tied around my wrists and legs. what's more, I was REALLY tired, like some sort of sleeping drug was injected into my body or something. among the darkness around me, there was the sound of echoing footsteps and they were getting louder and closer by the second. I just sat there, motionless, as if I somehow knew what or who was approaching me, even though I didn't. soon after, a melodic hum reverberated in the thin air and rang through my ears. it was soothing at best and yet it was creepy at worst. as moments that felt like hours passed, the humming got louder alongside the footsteps until finally, the shadow of a guy (around the same age as me) appeared. I couldn't see his features very well but was able to deduct that the boy had fluffy hair and seemed quite scrawny, perhaps malnourished? and then, I felt arms wrap around me as the shadow slowly faded away and hot breath hit my neck. this dream had appeared a few days after  I transferred schools and it had repeated ever was really fucking strange and scared me to death. what's more is that--

out of nowhere, my thoughts were interrupted as I felt a sudden touch on my shoulder. 

"hajime!" i heard a frustrated and slightly high-pitched voice from behind me. i turned around and there stood before me a red-headed girl with freckles painted on her pale skin. it was none other than my childhood friend - mahiru koizumi. "jeez.. i thought i told you to wait for me before you leave so that we can walk together!!" she pouted, her cheeks were dusted with a light pink blush; she turned her head to the side and crossed her arms. i slightly chuckled to try and lighten her mood (which seemed to work). "sorry mahiru, i was planning to go to the convenience store and it seems like i completely forgot about the promise we made." i tried to word so she wouldn't suspect that i had something on my mind otherwise she'd worry. mahiru had always seemed quite harsh, particularly towards men for some reason, but she had a soft spot for her friends and was always there for me when i had no one else. that's why when i had realised i had forgotten about our promise, i felt an itching feeling in my stomach, it was probably what you'd call 'guilt.'  "it's okay, i can't really expect anything less from an airhead like you.." she laughed quietly, most likely trying not to make me feel bad about being a dumb ass. i smiled warmly at her laughter, "maybe you'd like to help me go shopping at the convenience store? there's a new brand of orange juice and i want to see if it's worth the price, we could taste test it together - my treat!" her eyes glistened subtlety and she whispered something along the lines of someone always being so considerate or whatever. i didn't really hear her and didn't know whether she wanted to do it or not. "sorry, i couldn't hear you, what did you say?" her face turned a shade of pink and she shouted, "N-NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!! your so n-nosy..." i shrugged and opened the door for her, signalling that she could go before me. she smiled once again and walked through the door and i joined her shortly after.


im gonna write short author's notes at the end of each chapter js to let ya know :PP

sorry for writing so little, im rlly tired and family issues are draining me a lot.

(838 words !!)

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