Your safe

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I kept waking up in the night thinking that Mia or Jake will come and take me away.
J: hey what time is it
Em: 2:06
J: i woke up 1:46
Em: i woke up at 12:34
J: you got more sleep then me
Em: I scared Jax
J: i am too
Em: what happened if he comes back and he hurt us again
J: he wont.
Em: how do you know
J: Don't worry Em you safe now
Em: i safe with you (going into Jax arms)
J: your safe (falling asleep)

Emma and Jax kept waking up at different times, kept waking around.

I woke up at 6:00 and it was Monday so i got ready
J: what time is it
Em: umm 6:07
J: I don't want to go to school
Em: then we will make a clone and we will sleep and then go to the beach or something?
J: it a date (try to get up)
Em: ok i be right back
Jax made his clone and Emma made her clone. And they both went back to bed. Then someone was at the door. Emma got up and open the door and it was Daniel
D: hey em why are you still in your pj
Em: what time is it (pretending to be worried)
I got my clone and and Jax they left with Daniel
J: who was that?
Em: Daniel
J: where is now?
Em: with our clones
J: cool dose he know
Em: i do think so
J: well in I'm hungry
Em: i make something
J: pancakes?
Em: what every you want
Jax went back into the room
After they ate the got ready

We went to the beach and we walk then i ask
Em: hey Jax do you miss your mom
J: of course Em
Em: well you dad said something
J: what?
Em: that wizard and witch die for week,month or year then come back to life?
J: that true
Em: but the chosen one die then never come back to life!
J: that not true
Em: what!
J: the chosen one just sleep for a day then come back to life
Em: one day. So that means my mom is still alive
J: your mom was the chosen one
Em: yes.
J: i wish my mom was still alive
Em: maybe she is
J: what?
Em: she can't die Jax!
J: but....why...would she leave us, Jessie
Em: what about Jessie?
J: my mom left Jessie when she was born
Em: what?
J: i was 5 and she just left
Em: same with me? Wait you said she left when you were 3?
J: no 5
Em: but we always said 3. Your 16
J: yes you know that
Em: so my mom left me when i was 5? I figure this out
J: how?
Em: magic
Emma cast a spell then she had pictures in her hand
J: is that you
Em: yea. Wait here it is
J: what?
Em: my fifth birthday (holding the picture up)
J: is that you mom?
Em: yeah.
J: so you were 5 when she left
Em: I remember now my dad always said that she left when i was 3 but why?
J: I still wonder why my left us.
Em: i going to fight out, we are!
J: we are going to find our moms?
Em: YES!
J: I'm in!

Well they find there moms??

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