I can explain

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I poof into Emma house
Ja: Hey em having fun cheating on me!!
Em: JAX!!
J: I can't believe you would do this to me
Dan: i can
J: this has nothing to do with you. Go
D: I leave if emma want me to leave
E: Daniel this is between me and Jax
D: fine
Ja: why. You said that you would never cheat on me
Em: I sorry. I wasn't thinking
J: you pick me but I guess you still have feelings for Daniel
Em: no I don't
Jax: if you don't then why did you kiss him
Em: I don't know
J: I never knew that you would hurt me like this
Em: I sorry. Please forgive me
J: so you can cheat on me again
Em: it was a mistake
J: you knew it was a mistake but you still did it. Here happy 1 month anniversary. Bye!
Jax poof out
Emma is talking
I didn't mean it. I was crying so hard. I was in my bed, Then I open the gift it was a necklace with a half heart that had a J on it and I thought he must have the other half that i am never going to get. I cry so much. I am so stupid.

Will Jax forgive Emma?

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