The real fight

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Me and Jax went home and we start to talk
J: why did you start dress this way
Em: because I felt like it
J: there something going on here
Em: there nothing going on Jax just...
J: Just what Em I trying to help
Em: well I don't need you help
J: why!
Em: because Jax
J: that not answer!
Em: i going to my room!
J: just walk away Em that always the answer!
Em: whatever!

Next day at school
A: hey why is Jax and Emma not talking I thought you fix this!
D: I thought we did
Di: yea they hug and they kiss
D: hey Jax what wrong
J: Me and Emma got in a fight last night
D: but
J: we fake that fight. Ok. Then i ask way Emma dress like that for real
Di: wow I sorry
A: wait you fake that fight
J: yea! And now we need to figure out why emma is really dress like that!
D: yea
J: she my girlfriend and i want be there for her
Em: hey guys, Jax
J: I leaving
Em: did he tell you
Ma: yeah
Em: sorry
A: it fine you ok
Em: i will be when i tell him the truth

What the truth??

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