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At this point you would think I had gone crazy. And for a while I thought so to. So, you are completely correct.
" definitely need to cut back on sci-fi movies,"

But as the reality of his situation sank in, I realized I  was utterly stranded in a place that felt both enchanting and unnervingly real. The bustling marketplace stretched out before me, a labyrinth of narrow alleyways and crowded stalls teeming with life. Despite the vibrant energy pulsing through the air, a sense of unease gnawed at my gut.

"Alright, Max, remember what they say in time-travel movies... don't mess with anything!" I whispered to myself, my voice barely audible over the din of the crowd. I  repeated the mantra like a protective charm, hoping to stave off the rising sense of adventure and dread swirling inside me.

As I  strolled through the throngs of people, eyes wide with wonder, I couldn't shake the feeling that I stood out like a cell phone in a world of book and quills. My sneakers squeaked against the cobblestone streets, drawing curious glances from passersby who seemed to regard me with a mixture of fascination and suspicion.

I marveled at the unfamiliar sights, browsing stalls displaying exotic fabrics and curious trinkets. Colorful tapestries billowed in the breeze, their intricate patterns weaving tales of distant lands and forgotten legends. Ornate jewelry glinted in the sunlight, tempting me with its allure as I resisted the urge to touch anything

Lost in my musings, I had failed to notice at that time that a trio of dubious-looking characters eyeing me intently from across the marketplace. These were not friendly merchants but rather a band of mischievous burglars, their greedy eyes alight with the prospect of an easy target amidst the chaos of the crowd.

Time Travel Is Not For kidsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin