Lovers and rivals

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Art x Caera&Tessia Threesome



"BAHAHAHAHAHA! I CAN'T! I can't f#cking believe it! HAHAHAHA!" My dear wolf companion was rolling left and right like a maniac, not able to control himself.

"HOW CAN YOU DO THIS!? ARTHUR!! How can you be such a jerk!? From all people YOU?!" Sylvie, my dear dragon bond, was screaming from the top of her lungs at me, with teary red eyes. Her aura and killing intent leaked at maximum in the room, but this didn't bother me. "How can you do this to Tessia, to Mama! With that woman nonetheless! SPEAK TO ME DAMN IT!" Her anger transformed from my loving and caring bond into an absolute demon raging and spitting venom.

"Guys, I know I mess up. Very bad, but I need help. Please, I'm begging you two!" I drop to my knees, pleading for any help from the most trusted and closest companions I ever had.

Sylvie grabbed me by the neck and lifted me up with force, the strength in her hand ready to break it. With burning flames like Destruction in her golden eyes she looked at me and asked.

"How long?" She said cold, emotionless I can put it. At first, I avoided her eyes, embarrassed by my actions, but she repeated it. "How. Long. Arthur." Her teeth clenched with so much force that started to produce sparks.

"F-Four months, by this point-" In an instant, she punched me in the face augmenting her fist with probably half of her mana reserves, and sent me flying and through at least 5 strong walls.

"Hey, you don't need to be so rough with him. Everybody makes a mistake. You should be-" Regis, began to speak in an attempt to defend my actions but Sylvie had none of it.

"Control? CONTROL MYSELF!? How can I control myself when Papa cheated on Tess, on Mama for four months by this point!" She raged, ready to jump on Regis in a blink. "You... it was you. Had to be you. You must put such ideas in his head to commit such an act. You sentient, burning living shit!" My ears couldn't believe it. My Sylvie, my dear, and sweet Sylvie being able to swear like this.

I didn't just mess up. I really f#ck up.

Regis, taken aback by the insults started to argue back. "I might be able to do such a thing due to my inner Uto, but please. Even I would not go this low in life. And trust me, if the roles had been reversed, if my master ever did this to my fine lady and Heroine of Alacrya, I would blast him with Destruction all the way to his second reincarnation and then to his third."

Getting up from the debris I walked slowly back to my companions where a shouting match with more and ugly swears took place. Both of them looked at me with different expressions, Regis had a huge grin, he even nodded his head and acknowledged what I did as 'honorable' or 'understandable'. Sylvie wanted to punch me once more but kept a hold on herself, however, steams of anger exited from her body and her beautiful face was all red from the madness with even some veins forming on her soft cheeks.

"Guys," I started slowly and calmly, choosing my words carefully. "I know what I did is unforgivable, I understand this much. Sylvie..." I looked into my bond's eyes in tears, "I would do whatever it takes to forgive me. But please... I can lose both." I pleaded once more, hoping to get her on my side.

Instead, she looked at me with a disgustful face and stormed off by transforming into her dragon form. "I need to blow some steam, excuse me." She said not looking in my direction before she flew away.

Please don't tell my family! My mother will disown me for the rest of my life. And please not to Grampa Virion too, he... *GULP* ...he will kill with that curse cactus. I tried to communicate with her via our mental link but I got no response back. Please hear my thoughts, Sylvie.

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