I will never be able to forgive him

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Kai: Y/n, remember which time hurts you the most

Y/n was keeping her eyes closed and was calm but as soon as Kai asked her to remember, her facial expressions changed.

Y/n: mom, no...Suddenly tears fall from Y/n's eyes

Everyone gets hurt seeing her tears

Namjoon was looking at Y/n carefully.

Kai: What happened to your mother?

Y/n: Appa used to beat mother everyday, and mother left me and went away.

Kai: Where?

Y/n: Mother killed herself

Kai: No problem Y/n, everything is fine, tell further

Y/n: He was a very nice boy, he saved me, and

Kai: Who?

Y/n: He is my only friend and I liked him very much but he also left leaving me alone like mother, father beat me daily and his wife and daughter too, I kept waiting for him but he never came

Suga gets hurt by her words, Namjoon was confused that there was someone else in Y/n's life.

Kai: Tell further,

Y/n: Namjoon!

As soon as Namjoon's name is mentioned, Y/n starts sweating, her expression changes from sad to scared, which hurts Namjoon a lot.


Y/n: Namjoon is also a monster like my dad, he killed my mother and Namjoon will take my life, I could not save myself, I could not save my baby, I tried but I was weak,

Tears fall from his eyes and on the other hand Namjoon and Suga's eyes also get wet.


Y/n: I miss my baby so much, I wish I could bring him back.

Kai: Ok Y/n, these are all the memories you want to forget, now tell me about those things which were the happiest moments of your life.

Y/n: My mother prepared a doll for me for my 5th birthday, I was very happy,

Kai: Great, then

Smile comes on Y/n's face

Namjoon: I was missing this smile

Y/n: yoongi gave me ice cream but he didn't buy for her because he didn't have that much money but we shared

Kai: yoongi

Namjoon: Yoongi?

suga and jimin look at each other


Kai: Was this the only friend you told about?

Y/n: Yes, I loved when he used to kiss me on the forehead, he promised that he will marry me when we grow up and we will be together forever.

Namjoon: Taehyung

Taehyung: Yes Hyung

Namjoon: Find out about this Yoongi

suga and Jimin get nervous

Jimin: hyung, Taehyung is already very busy, can i help with this

Namjoon: Okay, present that Yoongi to me as soon as possible.

Jimin: yes


Kai: and Namjoon

Y/n: I am happy that I became his wife

Namjoon and Suga get shocked

Y/n: Namjoon saved me from my monster father, he respected me, gave me the status of his wife, those wedding vows matter to me, I didn't make false promises, marrying him was the most special day of my life but I didn't live up to his expectations, we lost our baby, when I saw baby first picture, that moment was the most precious moment of my life, I can understand Namjoon's pain, he may or may not be a good husband but I am sure he is the one must have been a great father

tears fall from Namjoon's eyes

Y/n: I loved him

Kai: Do you love Namjoon?

Y/n nodded

Namjoon and Suga look at him in astonishment.

Y/n: I loved him but what he did I will never be able to forgive him

Y/n cries and Kai lets her cry

Because instead of suffocating inside, it is better to cry and lighten her heart.

After some time

Kai: Ok Y/n, it's time to wake up, you hear Snap sound as I count 3just open your eyes, ok

Kai: 1 ....2....3....SNAP! open eyes

She opens her eyes.

Kai: feeling better

She nodded

Kai: I'll give you some medicines so you have to take them ok, and don't think too much you are a amazing person,


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