.•*:。 prologue 1

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: ̗̀➛ 🦋 *ೃ༄ Freya ParkerSeptember 2009

''So do you see polar bears every day?'' Jess excitedly asked, causing Freya to laugh to herself.

''Oh my God, Jess, just because she's from Norway, doesn't mean her next-door neighbour is a polar bear,'' Emily, before Freya could answer, explained and rolled her eyes at the blonde girl.

Freya nodded much to Jess' disappointment and the girls continued questioning her. She understood them. It's not every day that a girl from Norway, more precisely - Trondheim, comes to the U.S. and enrols in the seventh grade. So she did not oppose their excitement and appreciated their incoming compliments and wondrous questions.

''Do you have any siblings?'' Emily asked and leaned her back against the wall as they stood outside the classroom.

Freya shook her head.

''Nope. Just some cousins... which I see rarely,'' she told them.

As their fourth lesson of the day was about to begin, Freya recognized the two boys who walked passed them inside. She gave them both a small smile.

''You know them?'' Jess raised an eyebrow.

''Mhm,'' Freya smiled and looked at the two girls who didn't seem that impressed by her excited reply. ''met them during Biology. They were a good laugh.''

''Yeah, well... they're total geeks,'' Jess replied and shook her head. ''but then again... so is Emily.''

''Oh, please...'' Emily immediately interrupted, making a disgusted grimace. ''I may be the smartest person in class but my interests outside of school do NOT involve playing Call of Duty all night and playing with army figurines.''

''How do you know that much?'' Freya grinned and looked at Chris and Josh. It seemed that they were discussing last night's game of some sort.

''Josh is Hannah and Beth's brother. You'll get a chance to meet them later. Our schedules don't always line up,'' Emily explained. ''and Jess here is still a sixth-grader. I sometimes help her with her homework...''

''Yeah, I noticed,'' Freya nodded and watched as Jess showed her tongue to Emily in annoyance. ''and wait... is he older or younger than them?''

''One year older actually but he's in the same class as us. He's got two sisters. They're with us. Hannah and Beth,'' Emily explained.

''I'm glad I don't have a twin... imagine someone copying my looks,'' Jess snapped her fingers and Emily snickered.

Emily and Jess, the two best friends, kept Freya close throughout the day even though she wanted to join Chris and Josh sometimes too. Even with them constantly by her side, in the bathroom as well, Freya managed to give the boys a smile or two. She decided not to tell the girls yet about her liking for video games and books, as they were too entranced with her, quote, Nordic beauty and quirky accent.

However, on Wednesday, Chris managed to get her number.

''How about we organize a game night? You in?'' he asked, looking at Freya, as they stood in the school hallway.

''Yeah, we don't have to play CoD but how about some... Uncharted? Prepare for the sequel?'' Josh raised his eyebrow and turned to her.

''Oh, I have to ask my mom but-'' she began but was interrupted by a loud yelling of her name.

''FREYA!'' Jess' voice echoed in the hallway and Freya turned her head towards the sound immediately.

''JESS!'' she mimicked her yell and excused her from Chris and Josh for a minute.

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