Selection exam(beach)

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"Then I'll be heading off to watch the selection exam. Are you sure you don't wanna come? have been studying that subject for long time now" My roommate said

"I'm fine" I said,not taking my eyes off the ancient language books.

"..Alright" My roommate spoke as she left,closing the door behind her. I was too engulfed with decoding the ancient SSS spell book Mash got me when we went to town to the point I ate,slept and drank ancient language.


"lelosa" I spoke as I pointed my wand towards a random book.

'huh?why isn't it working?'

"Lelosa" I spoke again.

"Lelosa" I tried again but nothing happened.

I sighed as I looked at back my notes. 

'did I decode the spell wrong?' I thought as I looked through the sss spell book which was now filled with scribbles

'I wonder how the selection exam is going?' I thought as I looked outside to see the large stadium where the exam was being held

"What the fuck is that?" I blurt out as I see a large monster standing in the middle of the stadium.

'that definitely ain't normal'

I pick up my wand,close my books and then use a transportation spell to transport me into the arena.


"Hello" I greet dot as his spell get's nullified by the monster's barrier.

"Hello-WHA-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?HOW?!" Dot asked,suprised.

"Thats a nullifying barrier" Someone spoke

"Our only choice is to find the user behind it and get rid of them" He continued as he used a spell to chain the monster.

The monster flung went towards the crowd to attack but fortunately,he was stopped by mash.

"YOU GOT IT MASH!" the crowd cheered as Mash and the monster had a tug of war.

' vreíte idioktíti' I casted a spell in my mind as I focused my magic power on the monster who Mash just flipped over to find the monster's owner

'please work'

'please wo-' My thoughts were interuppted as an image appeared before my eyes.

The owner was engulfed in flames, standing in the middle of a man, and then dot and the man from before (admissions officer)

The man from before somehow made eye contact with my sight and in panic I stopped casting the spell I learned from the sss spell book.




I watched as the magic holding the monster's existence disintegrate, making everyone cheer.

/////////////////////////////////several days later///////////////////////////////////

"It's too sunny" I complain as I pull on my hat.

"HITTIN THE BEACH IN THE SUMMER IS A MUST!" Dot spoke as he dug the sand with his bare hands.

"I've never been here before" Mash spoke,making me look towards him.

I blinked as he was wearing that skin tight shirt along with some shorts.

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