After vacation

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I sat on the edge of a bench in the empty school garden as I healed the bruises on the back of my calves.I already healed the bruises on my back but I couldn't heal the ones that were visible since my family doesn't know the true extend of my magic. I sigh as I remember the vivid memory I experienced at home just before the vacations ended.


"What do you mean you participate in the selection exam?" My dad sternly asked,narrowing his eyes on me.

"I don't have enough gold coins" I spoke (lied) as I looked at the floor.

"And you're incapable of collecting even 5-no even 3 gold coins?" He scoffed.

"....I am sorry for my incompetence. I'll try again next year" I spoke. There was no way in hell that I was going to go down the path he envisioned for me.

"You're even incapable of being a role model for your sister" He scoffed again.

"Do you know what precious tradition you've broken?! Every Kylk has been a member of the divine visionary up until now!" He yelled.

"I should've know that you're a pathetic talentless child the moment you were a late bloomer" He harshly spoke.

"You're a double liner,yet you fail to collect some mere gold coins. How pathetic of a Kylk. Are you even a Kylk? Because I highly doubt that I'll have a daughter this pathetic." He continued.

"I apologize" I spoke,still looking at the floor.

"An apology is not going to revive the precious tradition you've broken" He said as she got up from his office chair and pulled out a leash from a drawer.

"I really didn't want to have to use it on you since you've grown up. But you leave me no choice, You always end up messing up because of your lack of competence. Receive you punishment now" He spoke as he swung the leash at me.

///////////////////////////////////////////////flashback end////////////////////////////////////////////////

'what am I going to do with my life,god'

'there's no way in hell that i'll go down the path he (my father) wants'

"Creampuff girl" Mash greeted as he appeared infront of me just as I finished healing.

"Oh hey." I spoke as he stared at me with his neutral expression.

"Do you want some creampuffs?" I spoke, not wanting to deal with anything as I used my magic to make some creampuffs appear in his hand.

His eyes glowed up in sparkles as he took a bite of one of the creampuffs, enjoying the taste and taking a seat beside me.

"Here" He said as he handed me a creampuff.

"thanks" I spoke as I took the creampuff, going back to my trail of thoughts.

"thanks" I spoke as I took the creampuff, going back to my trail of thoughts

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Creampuffs and VanillaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora