Why me?

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(a/n- I hate writing fights. I was sick so late update,also check out my instagram it's linked in  my bio)

After getting rid of the puppets, We stumbled upon a circular stage like Arena.

"It's an Arena?!" Lance says.

"What place is this?" Mash questioned.

'Is he really just all brawn?'

"He just told you" The redheads said.

Suddenly someone appeared in the stage saying that we're correct and explained that it was an ancient arena that even the current teachers weren't aware of.

"Are you one of Magia Lupus?" Lance ask.

"No.I'm here to get rid of the intruders" He darkly said,

"Let me handle this" The red head said as he stepped forward.

"Do you have a fan club?" He asked.

"Yes so I do. So what?" The other boy questioned.

"Here comes the jealousy rant" Finn mutters.

"Here comes the jealousy rant" Finn mutters

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"DIE! FUCKING DIE! LIVIN' THE DREAM ARE YA?WELL YOU CAN JUST FUCKING DIE YOU ***** ****** ********* **********" He yelled.

"Pitiful creature" Lance said.

"I almost admired him for his devotion" Finn said.

"There we go" Mashle said, watching the red head rant.

"So you're jealous of my attractiveness?" He asked.

"YEAH AND?!" The red head yelled,standing in the arena

'at least he is honest'

"Welll, I've got both the looks and skill, I don't see how i'll lose" The boy nonchantly said,ticking the red head more.

Soon the fight began, ands uprisingly,the red head could fool the other boy into thinking that his trap bombs were actually time bombs.

'that's kinda cool'

Though even after losing the boy had a striking cool pose.

Suddenly the floor started sucking us in, in reflex I used magic to make myself float up.

"Guys!" I called to the rest of the guys who just accepted their fate of getting sucked in through the floor.

"Creampuffs girl! Save my baby"Mash said as he held the creampuff high up in his arms.

"uh...okay?" I hesitantly agreed as I took it from his hands.

"Let me help you-" Just as I said a large cage fell on me, the special field inbtween the bars of the cage making me lose my magic power for a while as I fall into the floor that sucked me in along with the  cage.

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