27. Names! Not loving Nicknames!

Start from the beginning

Valandhara, she helped her husband in the kitchens as Vallabhi .

Karenumati became the queen's dasi, Kanishtha.

Meenakshi became Arjun's helper while he taught dance to the Raajkumari of Matsya, she played the veena, she became Devattama.

Karunika herself assumed the role of a devkanya. She began her life of austerity, praying to her Narayan and Lakshmi every day, earning merits in her families name.

Soon, the last month of their agyatvas would begin. The falgun maas brought with itself the smell of flowers, beauty of the sun shining through after the winter months as well as wanted and unwanted guests.

Duryodhan, Dushasan , Shakuni had finally narrowed it down to Matsya to look for the pandavs.

However, the wanted guests were Adam and Karn. Who had both come with their sons for Raajkumari Uttara's Swayamvar.


" Jyeshth! Those pandavs should be here only. We must find Karunika. She would be the only one who we can recognize. " Dushasan said hopeful to help his brother.

" Mere bache. She is hiding in plain sight. They aren't hiding as Kumars and Kumaris. They will be there as workers, das, dasi. Look for them. Also how stupid are you. A woman would cover her face to not be identified. Find women with covered faces. " Shakuni said, dumbing it down for his nephew.

" But Mamashree. We can't go around the whole kingdom lifting every woman's veil can we. We'll be thrown out. Even her husband hasn't followed her into the agyatvas. He's here. " Duryodhan added.

" Mere Bache..... He's here? He hasn't followed her? This does not make sense. Anyways Just try to look for women with her qualities. What was she good at? "

" Mamashree. She is a very competent warrior. She could be in the army. Hiding as a man. Dushasan spoke, yet again.

" Murkh Dushasan, if she were in the army we would know. What other interests did she have? "

" She is a very dharmic lady mamashree. She should be in a temple. " Duryodhan finally deduced.

" So go. Look in all temples. You should find her. "


Duryodhan moved towards the Narayan temple of the city, when he heard a beautiful voice. She was singing the Ashtlakshmi strotam. "

( strotam link for those who wish to listen)

be/SLahM6f23bs?si=Ux7exJ3T94rmNd5t) ( strotam link for those who wish to listen)

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She was sitting in an orange saree. Her pallu covering her face, hands playing the ektara. Her voice, as if someone from heaven herself had come down to grace the people.

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