Business With Misery

Start from the beginning

I realized life was pointless. My struggles were for nothing. Percy's hold on me slackened and the growing depression grew in me. This woman cried as if mourning the death of the entire world.

"We're here." Bob announced. "Akhlys can help."

Bob trudged forward. I felt obliged to follow, though something in me didn't was to go near this sobbing woman. Though, this area was less dark-not exactly light, but with more soupy white fog.

"Akhlys!" Bob called.

The creature raised her head, and my fight and flight was kicking in. I almost stopped in my tracks if it were for Percy walking with me. The woman had stick like limbs, swollen knees, knobby elbows, broken fingernails and toenails. Dust was caked on her skin and piled on her shoulders. Her face was utter desolation. Her eyes were sunken and rheumy, pouring out tears. Her nose dripped like a waterfall. Her gray stringy hair was matted to her head in greasy tufts, and cheeks were raked and bleeding as if she'd been clawing herself.

The pure misery in her eyes made me uncomfortable. I averted my gaze. Across her knees lay an ancient shield- a battered circle of wood and bronze, painted with the likeness Akhlys herself holding a shield. It looked familiar. That was a hero's shield from Ancient Greek story.

"That shield." I murmured. Then the hero popped into my mind. My eyes widened. "That's that jerk's shield. I thought it was just a story."

"Oh, no." The hag wailed. "The shield of Hercules. He painted me on the surface, so his enemies would see me in their final moments-the goddess of misery." She coughed so hard, I flinched at the ache in my chest that grew when I heard it. "As if Hercules knew true misery. It's not even a good likeness!"

"What's his shield doing here?" Percy asked.

"He doesn't need it anymore, does he?" The goddess stared at Percy with milky wet eyes. Her cheeks dripped with blood, making red dots on her dress. "It came here when his mortal body was burned. A reminder, I suppose, that no shield is sufficient. In the end, misery overtakes all of you. Even Hercules."

"Bob." Percy leaned closer to me. My grip tightened on his hand. "We shouldn't have come here."

From somewhere inside Bob's uniform, Small Bob mewled in agreement. The Titan shifted and winced as Small Bob was clawing his armpit.

"Akhlys controls the Death Mist." Bob insisted. "She can hide you."

"Hide them?" Akhlys made a gurgling sound. "Why would I do that?"

"They must reach the Doors of Death." Bob said. "To return to the mortal world."

"Impossible!" Akhlys told him. "The armies of Tartarus will find you. They will kill you."

An idea formed in my mind. If it was stupid or smart will be determined by the outcome of it. If I could just get under her skin to push her to help us.

"So I guess," I turned the dragon-bone blade sword, "your Death Mist is pretty useless, then. If you can't help us."

"Useless?" Akhlys bared her broken yellow teeth. "Who are you?"

"Daughter of Dionysus." I tried my best to sound confident and brave. My eyes made contact with the hag. The urge to submit to the misery and defeat was strong. I had to try my best to ignore it. "I didn't walk halfway through Tartarus to be told what's impossible by some minor goddess."

The dust quivered at our feet. Fog swirled around with a sound like agonized wailing. I bit back a smirk.

"Minor goddess?" Akhlys's gnarled fingernails dug into Hercules's shield, gouging the metal. "I was old before the Titans were born, you ignorant girl. I was old when Gaea first awoke. Misery is eternal. Existence is misery. I was born of the eldest ones- of Chaos and Night. I was-"

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