Ring's Memories Part 5

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Ardyn awoke. His mind was thick with confusion. He found himself indoors, lying in a bed. The room felt vaguely familiar, and yet not.

"Oh, thank the gods. Lord Caelum, I'm so glad to see you awake."

A young woman peered down at him. Her face, full of concern, jogged his memory. He'd been in this room several days ago. The same woman had lain here, hands and feet bound, growling like a wild animal. She had been badly afflicted with the scourge, and Ardyn had healed her.

"My father and I," she said, "found you collapsed on the ground when we were on our way to town. You can imagine our surprise."

Ardyn recalled fleeing from the troops sent by Somnus and concealing himself in the forest. But everything beyond that was blank. He must have wandered around blindly during that lost time, ending up near the same town from which he'd fled.

"You . . . saved me?" he asked.

"You give us far too much credit, milord. We merely loaded you onto our cart and brought you here. Pray forgive us such a crude means of transporting you."

The woman's shoulders slumped. Her cheeks, now back to their former healthy hue, flushed with embarrassment. Ardyn remembered their pallor after he'd removed the scourge. It had concerned him at the time, and he was glad to see her looking so well now. Back then, pale as she was, her parents' eyes still had welled up with tears, overflowing with joy when they saw their daughter's mind restored. That alone had been reward enough. Drawing in the Starscourge was a small price to pay in exchange for a chance to bring such happiness to others.

"I owe you a great debt for your kindness."

"Not at all, milord," she said with a smile.

She'd taught him anew what it meant to help those who suffered. There was no time to laze about in bed. He had to move on. But when Ardyn tried to lift himself up, the world began to spin.

"Lord Caelum! Please, you mustn't! You have yet to regain your strength!"

"There's no time to wait," he said. "So many others are out there, still in anguish... "

"And in such a state, I'm afraid you'll be of no use to them."

"Nevertheless, I must go. I must help the people."

The sound of armored boots treading the earth came from outside. The young woman's parents burst through the door. Ardyn needed only to see the looks on their faces to know whose men were approaching.

"Hurry, milord!" the mother implored. "You must flee!"

"Troops from the castle. They're almost upon us!"

Somnus's men yet again. Ardyn managed to steady himself and rise to his feet. He cared not about preserving his own life, except that his death meant an end to the people's only means of deliverance. He recalled the column of black smoke, and his heart grew heavy once more. He readied himself to face the troops, but the young woman slipped past his side and rushed outside first.

"What business have you here?" she demanded. "Lord Caelum is ill!" She stood braced in the doorway, arms flung wide, showing no trace of fear despite the soldiers now surrounding the building. Her small frame exuded uncanny courage. No one gets past, she seemed to say. Not a step closer to Lord Caelum than where I stand.

Ardyn placed a hand on her shoulder and drew her back inside. She reminded him of Requiem, though physically they did not look the least bit alike. It was her spirit, so like Requiem's on that day they'd vowed together to deliver the people from the scourge. When he'd seen that resolve in Requiem, he'd felt that as long as he were with him, he'd be able to continue, no matter how difficult the journey grew.

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