Insomnia's Demise

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Before Noctis and Zephyr could move any further, the Archaean reached out with his large hand and grabbed Zephyr. Noctis froze for a moment, unable to process what had just happened. However, there was nothing to worry about, Titan does not plan to harm Zephyr in any way.

The Archaean wanted to convey something to Zephyr, and using Noctis was the only way to get him to come to this place. This time Titan wanted to warn them about who their real enemy is, not wanting the same tragedy to repeat itself. The Archaean showed Zephyr more details about what happened in the Crown City of Insomnia, and that this also happened with another kingdom.

What Titan showed Zephyr was so vivid that it was as if he was seeing everything from the perspective of the one who burned down the Crown City. And that is none other than the man by the name of Ardyn.

Ardyn found himself plunged into the bustle of the city. There was laughter, faint strains of music, the sound of cars rushing this way and that. The sunlight stung, it was a revoltingly
fine day.

"Home sweet home at last."

Two thousand years. Not a trace remained of anything he'd ever known. Gone were the golden fields of wheat, the birdsong, and the smell of soil carried upon the breeze. Instead, he saw skyscrapers and streets of gray, lined by rows of trees spaced with artificial precision. And everywhere the kingdom's banners flew overhead.

"So this is the city Somnus built," he mused to himself.

People thronged the roads and plazas, eagerly celebrating the founding of his brother's kingdom.

"Built on the back of his own flesh and blood."

All those around him were caught up in the atmosphere of revelry, spirits high, so oblivious to the truth of their homeland. Everything they knew and cherished was built atop a foundation of lies and betrayal. How little they knew of their history. How little they knew of anything.

"Just look at them, free of care and unaware of the war beyond their Wall," he sniffed. "What need is there to worry when brick and mortar blind them to the suffering outside?"

Surely the residents of the district of Galahd in Cavaugh had once thought the same. Never had they imagined a day might come when their happy home would no longer be protected by the Wall. Yet, nine years ago, the barrier keeping Lucis's enemies at bay was scaled back to the ramparts of the Crown City, and Galahd enjoyed the protection of the Wall no more. Demise was ever a swift thing. It might arrive without warning, yet even if there were signs, no one ever paid them heed. The creature known as man was all too eager to avert his eyes from the unpleasant.

"Trapped within these walls, they cannot even see how wide the world truly is."

Beneath this sliver of blue crowded by skyscrapers, the citizens of Insomnia chattered away with empty heads. They'd never known hunger. They'd never known cold. They hadn't even faced the terror of disease. They were fools to the last, and nary a thought had entered their minds beyond where they might turn for their next moment of excitement, their next laugh.

"What a dismal existence."

Amid the laughter and music came the chirp of a loudspeaker. "Welcome to the Founder's Day Festival. In a moment, the parade will begin making its way through the city."

Ardyn smiled. He'd show them something more exciting than rank after rank marching down the streets. Soon the whole city would dance in red. A garland of flames for every man, woman, and child. Together, they would celebrate Insomnia's demise.

"Now let the fireworks begin!" His right hand shot into the air, to summon forth Ifrit, the God of Fire.

Soon fear would fill the city. The Infernian would be a storybook myth no longer. The people would stare upon the god with their own eyes, and then they would tremble and scatter in glorious panic. Yet nothing happened. The citizens around him continued their merriment, vapid expressions intact.

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