Once they entered, he was greeted with the faint smell of liquor, an overall sweet fragrance, and the scent of money. The latter was more of an observation than a smell if he had to admit, but his senses were on overload. Wherever he looked were people. They sat around tables with cards displayed on them, others had poker chips scattered all over the elegant black wooden surfaces.

The inside was black, white, and blue-themed, just like he expected. Every single visitor was unique. While some wore ordinary or perfectly matched clothing, others wore elegant outfits. It was like looking into a bowl filled with colorful pearls.

Wooyoung witnessed a gorgeous woman pulling a few poker chip stacks towards her with a wide grin on her face. He figured that she must've won and that made him curious. How much did she win? How big were the sums people got their hands on? How much do they lose? Question after question, and while he was intrigued, he was also hesitant. He wasn't sure if he wanted to hear the answer to those questions.

"Let's introduce you to the bartenders first."

With a nod, Wooyoung just tried to keep up with San's walking pace since his waist was still captured by the other's hand. Wooyoung saw two men behind the bar. The first he laid his eyes on looked super interesting. He had platinum blond hair — bangs were covering his eyebrows and a mullet was covering his neck. His face was decorated with piercings and so were his ears. Wooyoung wondered if the guy had tattoos too, thinking it'd fit him perfectly. The guy was busy washing and drying glasses at the moment though, so his eyes shifted to the other guy behind the bar.

He wanted to hide under San's coat, no, even crawl under his skin if that was possible. With widened eyes, he just shouted out the name, the one behind the bar doing the same.

"Jongho?!" - "Wooyoung?!"

San had told his crew about the marriage already, so when Jongho took a few more seconds to put the puzzle pieces together, San joined in with an amused laugh and addressed his words to Wooyoung.

"You know Jongho?"

"You know Jongho?!" Wooyoung countered and covered his forehead with one hand.

"We're in the same dance class," Jongho explained while eyeing Wooyoung with a grin and started wiping the bar surface with a wet cloth, "No need to be shy, Wooyo."

"Right, Wooyo?" San teased and laughed when Wooyoung hit his arm while mumbling that he should not call him that.

When he calmed down a little from the shock or whatever it was that he felt, he actually took in Jongho's appearance. He looked amazing. His black hair was silky and shiny like always, but today he wore make-up fitting for his job too. Glittery eyeshadow complimented his brown eyes and shimmered in the LED lights that shined down from above him. Now the other bartender paid full attention to the married couple too.

"Hello! I'm Hanse," he smiled, and it was a sweet and sincere one. It pleasantly surprised Wooyoung. He didn't expect a guy with Hanse's appearance to have such a bright and vibrant vibe. Wooyoung introduced himself too and smirked when looking at Jongho again. What even are the odds?

"You won't leave me in peace on Monday, huh?"

"Absolutely not."

All four men laughed at that and when Jongho and Hanse returned to their work, Wooyoung followed San to a room in the back. San unlocked it with a key and once Yunho was inside too, Mingi closed the door behind him. It was immediately more silent and the chatter and loud noises from the casino were now muffled.

It looked like a small office. There were some folders neatly placed on the only desk that stood there and San sat down with a sigh. After opening one of the folders, he looked up to Wooyoung who eyed him with expectant eyes.

On The Surface | WooSanWhere stories live. Discover now