Chapter 1

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Nothing would have made me guess this situation just two hours ago when we left Barcelona. And there I was then, extremely horny, lying in the back seat on Alexia's legs.

We had to get to Madrid at noon for a new concentration of the Spanish team. In just a week we were playing for qualification for the Olympic Games against Holland and Alexia also had to go despite everything. She had been summoned despite being in the process of recovery after the recent arthroscopy on her knee. She would be examined by the Federation's doctors and they would decide if she would continue her recovery there with the national team. The entire staff knew that their presence was necessary for the group. She probably wouldn't be part of the starting eleven in the next game, but the team needed to feel his leadership. The coach knew it. We all knew it because we all felt that way. She was the undisputed captain, on and off the field. The presence that forced us to improve ourselves and give the best for the team.

At that moment she was not sure she would stay for the entire concentration. She doubted whether she would return to Barcelona after the medical analysis, although her feelings were good and she had started hitting the ball on grass in recent days. She seemed cheerful and optimistic, but she had preferred to take her car to Madrid in case she returned earlier than expected.

The other companions took the train that same morning. Irene, Mariona and I decided to accompany Alexia, who drove her car to the first service station.

Irene, who until then shared the back seat with me, had offered to relieve her at the wheel of her brand new Cupra after that stop on the route. Alexia agreed without resistance.

I hadn't gotten out of the car, I was exhausted after a sleepless night. I was trying to rest now leaning on my backrest. I had managed to do it a couple of times since we left, but the position was not the most comfortable to maintain sleep for more than a few minutes.

When my three companions returned loaded with refreshments, I opened my eyes behind my sunglasses, now unnecessary due to the presence of clouds. I took them off while Alexia got in next to me and fastened her seat belt. She came with her hair down and barely any makeup. She looked as pretty as always. Maybe more. I don't know, it's difficult to assess when certain degrees are exceeded. Perhaps it seemed especially attractive to me on that day of travel because of the fact that I saw it differently from the day-to-day training sessions. Although in training she was also attractive. Damn queen, she always was. She offered me her soda and I reached for the bottle, taking a sip that felt really good.

In the passenger seat, right in front of my position, Mariona was trying to connect her account to the car's stereo system; she wanted us to listen to a specific podcast. This is how she explained it while Irene started the car and we left the service station behind.

Alexia had set aside the soda and she was now arranging on her side the blanket that until then was resting between her square and mine as if delimiting both spaces. It seemed soft and warm, temptress at that moment when it was starting to get colder.

Without wanting to think too much about it, I loosened the seat belt and lay on her legs, pretending to be lazy and carefree. I was really afraid that she would order me to straighten up again claiming correct positions in a vehicle. What do I know, she was the perfect Alexia. But she didn't do it. Instead, she placed my head in her lap, making my insecurities and fears disappear. She partially covered me with the blanket, moving it from her side as far as she could reach, covering me from my shoulders to below my hips. I settled in a little better and she rested her right hand on my waist under the blanket. Now I could assure that I felt comfortable.

Mariona had managed to broadcast the podcast and discussed its content with Irene from time to time. Alexia didn't seem to want to participate in the conversation. She answered briefly when they spoke to us, but she sounded sleepy and tired. Finally, Irene and Mariona gave up looking for a reply in the back row and continued doing their thing. When that dynamic became clear, Alexia leaned back a little more, losing rigidity in her seat and her fingers began to move along my waist under the blanket. She caressed me lightly, tracing small circles on my shirt.

Until that moment I was trying to keep my eyes open, but the tickling of her fingers was so pleasant that I dropped my eyelids and lost my vision of the front seat. I was no longer able to process anything else, for me there was only that delicate pressure on my waist.

I don't know how long it would be until her movements extended a little further, reaching a piece of my skin at my hip level. I shuddered for a brief moment and Alexia stopped. Her fingers remained motionless. Surely she had noticed my shuddering and had chosen to stop. I panicked, I didn't want her to stop. I hesitated about what to do and sought confidence in the memory of having dared minutes ago to lie on her legs. That had turned out well.

Without opening my eyes or changing my position, I slipped my hand up to hers and gently dragged it through the area, indicating that she should continue. She then resumed the caresses while scooting a little further into the seat, bringing her head closer to mine.

I could sense her mouth a few centimeters from my face, I felt her breathing on my neck. Each exhalation of her was a delicate caress of warm air. That perception monopolized the focus of my senses combined with the direct touch on my hip, those fingertips slowly slid towards my abdomen. I squirmed slightly in an inevitable gesture that I would have preferred to repress. Realizing that a small moan had escaped me, I stood still, holding my breath and hoping that this time she hadn't noticed. But everything indicated yes. She also stayed still for a few moments, so my tension increased. I was hesitating whether to move or say something when I felt the touch of his lips against my ear.

-You smell so good... -She whispered so softly that I could barely hear it. I noticed the tip of her nose slowly beginning to run down my neck. -... So good I could eat you. - She continued whispering.

Her warm breath made me shiver as it filtered into my ear and I writhed again in pleasure, this time brushing my cheek with hers until I was facing her while I slowly opened my eyes. I saw her for a few moments looking at me seriously until she began to smile. -Yum, yum. - She concluded amusedly while taking two bites of air that could have been for me.

At that moment I knew she was clowning and my daydream faded. Alexia sat up again, placing her back on the seat and her head on the side of the vehicle, moving away from my face. Even with her eyes closed, she kept the smile on her mouth for a few seconds until it faded into a calm and sleepy gesture. I continued watching her in silence.

"I wish, Alexia..." I thought. "I wish you would eat me whole."

The monotonous noise of the engine mixed with the deep voices coming from the car speakers. I could feel the vibration of the road transmitting through Alexia's legs. I decided to let myself be lulled by that slight rattle and let my eyes close. I wouldn't open them again until we reached our destination.

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