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As the war entered its 2nd year of fighting all of the Western front armies were locked in a stalemate of trench warfare for the next 3 years stretching all the way from the North sea to the border of Switzerland who was neutral.

However by this time there was another major power in southern Europe Italy was thinking about joining the war on the Central powers because of the triple alliance they signed in 1882 but after their recent fallout with the Austro Hungarian government they looked towards the the Triple Entente for joining the war as Britain lured them in by "promising" them South Tyrol from Austria and parts of Croatia to keep happy alongside A nice cash pool money. In which the Italian government said no more and in 1915 declared war on Germany and Austria Hungary starting their second front on South Tyrol but unfortunately the front ended in another stalemate in the Alps.

However on the Eastern front Germany had completely knocked Russia out of East Prussia and begun to push into Poland but Russia was still holding strong against Austria Hungary as they still held the Ukrainian region of the country but before long multiple attacks were launched on Prźemsyl a small city in Austria Hungary and an attack on Galicia to make a diversion in which the Austro Hungarian armies were able to push the Russians out of some of the Ukrainian regions of Austria Hungary where Russia still held a large grab over the Ukrainian region of Austria Hungary.

Meanwhile in the Middle east the Ottoman empire was sending their armies to take the Suez canal and disrupt the allies trading route for both troops and resources from their overseas colonies and also take the Nile across Cairo in Egypt a British colony.
However in attempting that they were able to get to the Suez canal but couldn't push no further as the British Egyptian forces had well fortified on the Canal and were quickly driven back but the British Egyptian armies which therefore that was the first failed assault of the war for the Ottoman empire a humiliation to the empire for the Kaiser to look at in disgust.

The Ottoman empire eventually hoping for its second attack on the Russian Caucasian mountains to take their oil and other natural resources but because the Ottomans were used to the hot Middle eastern climate they were not prepared for the Caucasian mountains of Russia to be below freezing and many of the soldiers froze to death and they quickly retreated from their place holdings on the Caucuses and once again another agonising defeat who which humiliated the whole historical empire once again for the Kaiser to see as a weak old Empire that was crumbling fast. The Ottoman empire would later get the nickname the "sick man of Europe" in which many of the Turkish people found as a direct insult to the nation.

In the Balkans the Austro Hungarian forces were somehow failing to take the two slavic nations of Serbia and Montenegro as they were well equipped forces while the whole Austro Hungarian government was failing to train and supply the armies properly. And all their invasion attempts were all failed in fact so bad that even Serbia and Montenegro had some small holdings on Austria Hungary. However seeing that Bulgaria who would be the 4th central powers nation to fight in WW1 was looking to expand their territory into the Macedonian region in which they failed before because they lost the second Balkan war previously in 1913. Seeing their opportunity given by the Kaiser of Germany they said go ahead and they invaded Serbia in a suprise invasion from the east where Serbia had to pull out its forces to hold the Bulgarian front in which the Austro Hungarian armies caved in and Belgrade fell where both Serbia and Montenegro lost their country and their remaining armies fled into Albania where Austria Hungary done a "friendly invasion" to catch the fleeing Serbian troops. Which then they fled to Greece awaiting their times.

Britain and France were holding out strong against Germany but they were suffering heavy casualties on both sides and as they no longer had the money to support the armies fully they went into debt as they called for the USA to help them which they did as they were getting supplies from across the Atlantic but this now made the USA have the leading economy in the world after Britain had spent money both on the war effort and to get supplies from America in which France followed shortly after which made the American economy grow to $115 billion.

However the next year of the war 1916 would be one of the most bloodiest years in world history with so many major battles on the western front to break the deadlock in trench warfare.

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