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Saturday evening came quicker than Valentina was expecting, much to her dismay and the utter mess her room had become with clothes discarded everywhere, shoes pulled from her closet and almost nothing to show for it. Packing her weekend bag was no issue, in fact, that was the easiest thing she had done this afternoon but with fifteen minutes left until Coriolanus was coming to pick her up, Valentina was panicking.

With her usual blow-out style curls and subtle makeup that was only slightly dressed up with a shimmer shadow to create a cut crease and a slightly darker lipstick than usual, Valentina only had one task left. She had to find something to wear - and quickly.

The redhead had absolutely no idea what the date was or more specifically, what type of outfit she should wear. Coriolanus, being the boy that he is, was not someone to worry about fashion choices. All he had to do was put on a fancy suit, pair it with expensive cufflinks and shoes and viola, his outfit is top tier. Valentina, on the other hand, dressed for occasions.

The date was planned so last minute - from her awareness at least, Coriolanus had already surprised her by taking her on the date so who knew how long he was sitting on the idea? Valentina did not know - which left her too excited to ask questions like what attire she would have to wear. Plus, with the weather changing from the warmth of summer into the chilly autumnal season, it left her with a further limited wardrobe as her warmer clothes were outdated and didn't suit her current likings.

With a huff of frustration and approximately six minutes until Coriolanus was due to arrive, Valentina quickly grabbed her black pantsuit and blazer combo, pairing it with a simple white halter neck top and heels that matched. The suit trousers, that were around two years old, were far more tight fitting than when it was first purchased, causing it to hug her curves in a way that was almost uncomfortable in comparison to the original loose fit it once provided. Luckily the blazer was still a good fit, the sleeve and chest area perhaps a little tight but for tonight, it would do.

With a call from her mother, Valentina came rushing to the front entrance of her home, eyes locking onto the smiling Coriolanus as he made small talk with her mother, a hand hidden behind his back that stood tall. He, as per usual, was wearing a suit tailored to perfection but who would expect less from the man who would rule all of Panem one day?

As her clicking heels walked closer to her mother and lover, Coriolanus turned to Valentina, his smile only widening as his face lit up with the slight of her. He was just as excited as Valentina for this day, as it seemed. "You look absolutely breathtaking, Raindrop." He gushed, pulling his hand away from his back, presenting a beautiful bouquet of white roses. A Snow signature.

Taking the roses and inhaling their scent, Valentina lightly blushed before handing them to her mother, a wink sent to her that told her exactly what to do with them, the same thing she had done with every rose Coriolanus Snow had ever given her. "You look very handsome, Coryo."

Offering his arm, Valentina interlocked her hand to his bicep, huffing as Coriolanus grabbed her bag from her hand with a sly smile. A gentleman as always. At least until they were in the bedroom... but that was an entirely different story and one Valentina shouldn't be thinking of.

"Where are we going?" She asks, sitting comfortably beside Coriolanus in the car, leaning a head on his shoulder with her hand moving from his bicep to his hand, their fingers uniting together.

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