Chapter 4: Magic

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Chara didn't notice until she saw me look between the two, and she looked over at Frisk, both staring wide-eyed. "She shouldn't be able to see me." Chara mutters, barely audible.

"Maybe you guys should talk?" I whisper to Chara so the rest of the class doesn't hear.

"There's nothing I can say that she would want to hear." Chara says, looking away as her head hangs down. I see Frisk look away. They can't avoid each other forever, especially not if Chara is going to travel with me to and from school.

"Well, you guys can't avoid each other forever, as much as both of you may want to." I whisper once more. As if on que, Undyne and Papyrus had the entire class start moving to the gym floor. I moved with them, and Chara reluctantly followed behind me, trying to keep me between herself and Frisk. Frisk was trying to avoid eye contact this entire time.

"I can't. There's nothing that will fix the past." Chara says, still looking down.

"No, but that doesn't mean it has to haunt your future. I'm not saying you guys have to be friends. I don't know what happened in your past, but that seems out of the question, but you both can't just do nothing about it." I whisper, starting to walk towards Frisk. I stuck to the outside of the group of students as I walked, trying to avoid drawing the attention of anyone.

Chara followed behind me, essentially hiding behind me. Frisk saw us coming towards her and whispered something to Papyrus before going out into the hall, so I followed her.

I kept following her until she went into an empty room. I went to knock, but as I did, the door opened a bit, so I just let myself in. Chara was floating behind me still, looking everywhere but forward.

"I can try to talk to her first to see if she's willing to at least talk to you?" I offer to Chara, looking back to her. She quickly nods and leans against the wall on the outside of the room.

So I entered the room alone. It was an unused classroom with a few stray desks in it. Frisk was sitting at one of the desks looking out of the window in the room.

"Hey, Frisk. How's it been?" I ask, taking a seat in the desk next to her. "Don't try, (Y/n). I don't want to talk to her." Frisk responds sharply, not even turning to look at me.

"I get that, but you two can't avoid each other forever." I reply as she turns to look at me finally.

"You don't know what she's done." She says, looking down at the desk. "No, but I know she saved me twice, so she's not the horrible person you and Sans act like she is, at least not anymore. Look, I'm not trying to make you two be friends, but I don't want you two constantly hiding from each other. Could you talk things out, maybe? Diplomacy has always been your strong suit." I ask, hoping she'd say yes.

She sighs heavily and turns to me. "You can be annoyingly persistent sometimes. Fine, I'll talk to her. But you need to stay out. One day, one of us will tell you why, but I don't think either of us is ready to tell you yet." She relents, smiling slightly.

"Of course. I'll be right outside." I say, smiling back at her.


Chara and I returned to the class after her and Frisk talked. From what Chara told me, they didn't quite make amends, but they were on better terms. She didn't tell me everything, but I didn't pry too much. If she wanted to tell me, she would.

Just as we arrived back, Undyne and Papyrus were going around, helping students bring out their souls. I think I saw each of the 7 traits, except for Determination. That made sense, though. As far as I know, Frisk is the only one with a Determination soul.

Papyrus was the one to come over to me. "HELLO (Y/N). IT IS NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" Papyrus says, giving a boney grin. "Hey, Papyrus! It's been a while." I reply, returning the smile. Papyrus and I never really interacted much, but I thought he was cool.

We chat idley for a few minutes before Papyrus remembers that he's supposed to be teaching me how to bring my soul out.

"So how do I bring it out?" I ask, looking to Papyrus. "IT IS EASY, I WILL SHOW YOU." Papyrus says, holding his hand out in front of my chest, palm upward.

We stood there for a minute, and he looked confused. "Is something supposed to happen?" I ask. Chara watched from the side, looking confused as well. "YES, NORMALLY, THIS WORKS THE FIRST TIME. THIS IS STRANGE. DO NOT WORRY, I SHALL GET UNDYNE. SHE WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO." Papyrus says, quickly running over to Undyne.

"That is strange. He had no issues getting the other students' souls to come out. In fact, I've never seen a monster have an issue with bringing out the soul of a human." Chara says. "Maybe I'm just special." I joke, smiling at her. She shrugs. "Well, I was expecting your trait to be Determination, seeing as you were able to resonate with me when you fell into the Underground. Frisk was the only other one to do that, which is why she can still see me. Now, I'm curious to see what it is." Chara explains.

I shrug. "Maybe, but monsters are able to bring out Frisk's soul, right?" I ask, to which Chara nods.

Undyne and Papyrus walk back over, so we stop talking. "So, Papyrus told me you were having some trouble getting your soul out?" Undyne asks. "Yeah, he couldn't get it out." I respond. "Well, no worries, I can do it." Undyne says confidently, holding her hand in front of me like Papyrus did.

Another minute of silence passes. "It won't work. That's odd. It always works." Undyne says, mostly to herself. "MAYBE WE SHOULD ASK DR. ALPHYS IF SHE KNOWS WHAT TO DO?" Papyrus asks, looking to Undyne. "Yeah. But she's teaching right now, so I'll ask later. I guess for now, just listen and pay attention. I wouldn't worry too much, it's in there somewhere." Undyne says, giving a small smile.

Her and Papyrus returned to the rest of the class to continue the lesson for the remaining 10 minutes, which was really just to explain what each soul meant for those who didn't know.

One question still lingered in my mind as the class dismissed. What is my trait?


(Oooo, I wonder what it could be! I hope you guys enjoy!)

Golden Flowers (Female Chara X Male Reader) [Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now