Episode 3

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Scribble Scribble Scribble....

*I was trying to attempt doing the task I was given by my teacher today, but it seems like I can't focus, and I started doodling on the paper instead*

"Today was alot...." I sighed.

"I transferred schools to get rid of drama....I thought I was finally free..."

"That b!tch..."

"EUNMIIIII! COME DOWN! I WANT YOU TO GET ME SOMETHING" My mom yelled from downstairs.

I flinched, ruining the cute lil doodle I made.

"Gosh, she didn't have to yell" I groaned.

*I headed downstairs to see what my mom needed.*

"What mom? You scared me."

"Here..." She handed me a paper.

I looked at her confused, "what?.."

"What? Go get me groceries! You dont understand?"

*I checked out the paper, it was a list of grocery items.*

"Ohhhhhh, groceries, tell me that then"

"Hmph!, I gave birth to a dumbass!" she spanked my shoulder.

"OUCHHHH?!" I looked at her in disbelief.


How was I supposed to know she needed groceries? I can't read her mind.



*I entered the convenience store and grabbed a cart. I then glanced at the paper to see what's the first thing i needed to get *

"Soy sauce....Hmm" *I headed to the spices section to get that*

"There it is..." *I found a bottle of soy sauce at the top shelf*

"At the top?! What in the world?! How can I get that?!" I scoffed in frustration.

"How can they be so inconsiderate?! Putting up shelves that high?! They should consider short people! This is so ridicu-"

"Are you talking to yourself?" Chuckled someone from behind.

*I startled. before I could turn around to see who it was, they came behind and grabbed the soy sauce bottle. I could definitely tell he was a male by the height and the hands when he grabbed it.*

"What are you-" *I turned around. And-


I froze, completely......

"Leo? What are you doing here?" I stared at him flusteredly.

"I think I'm the one who should be asking you this?" He smirked.

*at this point, I felt my face heating up. Not only was his body an inch away from mine, but he's leaning down and he's smirking. It was obvious that I was feeling uncomfortable. He noticed how distressed I was, and backed off.*

"Sorry..." He handed me the bottle.

"Thanks...I- I MEAN THANK YOU!" I panicked.

"..." He raises he eyebrow.

"You're older than me.....I shouldn't be informal...." I smiled awkwardly, trying to explain myself.

"How old are you?"


"Well then you don't have to be formal with me"


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