Chapter 16: Identity.

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A/note. For any of you dear readers who may not be 100% sure of what compos mentis means .... and I advise in advance, as it is used early in this chapter.

A dictionary definition: having full control of one's mind. To be able to think clearly and be in control of, and responsible for, one's actions:

Keegan's POV.

We were now back home sitting around the table in the dining area. John had driven us three boys back while Margaret had travelled in Eileen's car.

Our journey had been in total silence. We were in a sort of shocked state. The result had gone our way. We were going to be staying with John and Margaret permanently.

I was still worried about Kaiden. He had lost the colour and the shine from his face. I had actually been concerned all day that he would shut down because of the stress he was under. I had seen him take his medication as usual this morning and he seemed to be coping alright, that was until Eileen's announcement.

That's why we were so shocked. After the meeting she just calmly let it be known that she had a letter, for each of us, from our grandmother, together with some information regarding our parents that she knew we had always wanted.

Kaiden had just collapsed in my arms.

I had carried his sleeping form to the car and cradled him in my arms on the back seat, as John immediately drove us home.

An hour later, and after a cup of really sweet tea, he was compos mentis enough to sit next to me. I was just staring at the large brown envelope on the table in front me.

It bore the name Wiraphan Wattanasin (Khaow - Keegan).

There was one in front of Kaiden too.

It bore the name Wiraphon Wattanasin (Khiew - Kaiden).

Kaiden took a hold of my hand and tried to talk to me. I saw tears in his frightened eyes as he said he was scared.

"There's nothing to be scared of Kaiden." The reassuring sound of Eileen's voice seemed to sooth him. "As I said earlier, it was something your grandmother wanted you to have and I know it will answer some of the questions you have been wanting answers to."

"I take it you've already opened it, Eileen?" I asked as I put my hand on it and fiddled with the bottom corner.

"Yes Keegan. I had to know what I was giving you, of course. Your grandmother's solicitors contacted me a month ago advising me that they had it. She had stipulated that you were to be given it after your 16th birthday, as long as you both were of a mind that you could understand and accept the contents. After reading the contents, and knowing that you are now settled in a loving home, I believe that you both now are."

I opened the unsealed envelope and pulled out the contents. On the top was a photocopy of a letter and a photograph of Grandma.

"All the paperwork inside the envelopes are copies," Eileen advised. "The originals are all being held by the solicitors for safekeeping, but are available to you at any time. The letter in Kaiden's envelope is exactly the same."

I moved the letter so Kaiden could read it with me at the same time.

My dearest beautiful boys.

I am having to write this down now for you to read sometime in the future, because at the moment I think you are both still far too young to fully understand and accept everything that I want to tell you. I was waiting until you were a little older, but that will not happen now.

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