Chapter 3: School.

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Cameron Daniels.

20 Months later.

A hand banged on my school locker just as I was locking it, making me jump.

"Cameron! Where the hell did you bugger off to? I told you I needed help to shift those tabs this lunchtime. That party's tonight... or have you conveniently forgotten?"

"Just piss off Brandon! I've told you enough times that I ain't doing it anymore. You had no idea what pills you were flogging at Lacy's party last weekend. They could have easily killed someone.... and you don't give a shit! It ain't on.... and I don't care if you go and tell Uncle Harry. You know I've never agreed with it....., especially after what happened to Jack. I've had it with you all. It's so..... so irresponsible.... Just piss off and leave me out of it."

Tucking my books firmly under my arm I spun away and left my older brother shouting after me. "You ungrateful bleedin' toe rag! You are fine with sharing in the benefits though, aren't you! And don't even bother asking for a handout this weekend when you run out of dosh either!"

I turned and glared at him as I gave him the finger. On turning back promptly crashed into someone, knocking their books, and mine, on the floor with an almighty crash.

"Sorry mate!" I instantly apologised as I helped him gather up the books.

"It would help if you looked where you are going," the boy chastised me quietly as he handed me mine back, "but I take it that Senior was giving you a rough time?"

"Yeah! He's my dipstick of a brother and it's nothing unusual...., us fighting that is."

The boy held my stare giving me a look that penetrated deep inside me. The kind of look that sought out your dirty darkest secret. He smiled at me as he stood up. I nervously returned it before he turned and jogged away.

I saw him look back again as he reached the far end of the corridor. He gave me another smile. This time a real sweet one.

Shit! He had found me out. I knew that for certain as he coyly ran his hand through his longish dark hair, his eyes still fixed firmly on me. They were dark and compulsively inviting. So very expressive. Then he giggled.

An embarrassed sort of nervous giggle.

Bugger! Bugger! Bugger!

I watched him until he turned the corner and was out of sight. He was hot. Real adrenaline oozing hot, and he had caught me out so easily.

Snared with just a look and a smile. He could have had me there and then, and that was the most disturbing thing. It was not like me. Not at all, yet he only had to say and I would have probably let him. I had wanted him to ask.

What was equally as disturbing was I didn't remember seeing him before. I had already clocked all the new hotties in the school at the start of term at the beginning of the week.

Who the hell was he? How did I miss him and where the heck did he suddenly come from?

"Clumsy Klutz!" Brandon whacked me really hard on the back of the head, making my books fall on the floor again. It broke me from my trance. "You should've hit the Chinky bastard. Give that sort an inch and they take a bleedin' mile. You're way too soft Cam!"

With that racist remark, my dipstick of a brother left me picking up my books once again.

I broke the rules by running down the corridor to reach my class on time. I slammed the books on my desk and sat down.

Eric, my best friend and classmate on the adjoining desk slapped me on the back. "That was close Bro! Another minute or so and you would have been on detention again."

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