The Causes...

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Europe over the last century from 1800 to 1900 had been both a chaotic and complex history for many nations across the globe and in Europe too the Napoleonic wars, the revolutionary movements in 1848, German and Italian unification and the scramble to colonise Africa in 1888. Which caused many other nations to become very uncomfortable as Britain believed to be the dominant superpower until 1914 as its navy had complete supremacy across the globe out matching every navy with little opposition but the German imperial navy had grown significantly over the decades and could put up a fair fought naval battle against the British Royal navy.

The largest german kingdom Prussia in 1870 was attacked by France who attempted invaded the Rhineland however, in doing so all the other German kingdoms like Saxony and Bavaria had joined in to help Prussia remove French influence from the Rhineland which it was successful and they took Paris encircling and seizing the city after 8 cruel months of sieges causing starvation and destruction to France. By the End of the War France had to come to terms with Prussia in the city of Versailles where Otto van Bismarck proclaimed the empire of Germany and taking the north western territory of Alsace-Lorraine and some reparations in return. The French military had suffered major losses and public backlash against Germany.

In 1867 the Austrian empire had turned to the Austro Hungarian empire after the Royal families of both kingdoms had married together and made the unification. But this unification led to the conquering of the Balkans where many slavic kingdoms had risen out of the Ottoman empire in the 1870's like Serbia and Montenegro and Russia also being a slavic nation was sworn to protect these valuable slavic people. But Austria Hungary had wanted to colonise the Balkans and Austria Hungary and the Russian Empire had a rivalry and tensions since the 1860's causing more problems later down the line in the 1900's.

In 1861 after the second Italian war of independence against Austria after the Austro Prussian war of 1866. Sardinia and the other Italian kingdoms had made unification after the expedition of the thousand which made the Papal state retreat to Rome. After the Austro Prussian war the Italian government had annexed all of Austria's coastal connections with the Mediterranean and only had coastline remaining on the Black sea.

The Duchy of Poland tried to revolt out of independence in the 1860's but Russia was able to regain control of the rebels and took Warsaw back with little resistance in the making of it. Many of the Polish people wanted freedom as the cruel Russian empire was heavily taxing and oppressive to the polish people and Attempted Russification of the people which left a burning heart of revenge waiting to burst.

British and American relations were at boiling point in the 1850's but after the Spanish American war of 1898 the American British relations had improved greatly as they Britian helped America defeat the Spanish navy at Panama and in return the Spanish lost the Philippines and Cuba to America.

But in the making of all these events the tensions in Europe were Rising again as a new war was ready to break out a "war to end all wars" or the great war also known as WW1.

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