Boss x River Existanceing <not a word>

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Authors note:

What is boss x river called?

Like, u got lugene, and uh..... *cant remember the other ones*

Oh sh my mum needs help in the kitchen-



So uh yeah



Ere we go.

River Just Annoying Boss :>

In the solitary confines of the Underworld Office, Boss found himself unexpectedly alone with River. The usual hustle and bustle of the ghostly realm was absent, leaving only the faint hum of the office's machinery and the occasional rustle of papers to break the silence.

Boss sat at his desk, diligently reviewing reports and organizing paperwork, while River floated nearby, her usual playful demeanor in full force. She darted around the room, occasionally poking her nose into Boss's business or playfully flicking papers off his desk.

"Boss, why so serious?" River chimed, her voice echoing through the empty office.

Boss sighed, his patience wearing thin as River's antics continued unabated. "River, please. I have work to do."

But River paid no heed to Boss's request, instead floating closer and peering over his shoulder at the documents spread out before him. "Work, work, work. You need to learn to lighten up, Boss. Life-or, well, afterlife-is too short to spend cooped up in here all the time."

Boss gritted his teeth, trying to focus on the task at hand despite River's constant interruptions. But as she continued to flit about the room, her playful energy infectious, he found it increasingly difficult to concentrate.

"River, I need to concentrate," Boss snapped, his patience finally reaching its limit.

But River merely laughed, her laughter echoing off the walls of the office. "Come on, Boss. Where's your sense of fun? You can't spend all your time buried in paperwork."

With a growl of frustration, Boss pushed back from his desk, his chair scraping against the floor as he rose to his feet. "That's it. I've had enough."

Without another word, Boss stormed out of the office, his frustration boiling over. River watched him go, a mischievous glint in her eye, before turning back to her own antics with a playful smirk.

And as the echoes of Boss's angry footsteps faded into the distance, the Underworld Office was once again filled with the quiet hum of machinery and the rustle of papers, with only River's playful laughter to break the silence.
In the quiet aftermath of Boss's abrupt departure from the Underworld Office, River found herself floating alone amidst the stillness of the ghostly realm. The playful energy that had filled the room moments before now seemed to dissipate, leaving only a lingering sense of unease in its wake.

As Boss stormed out of the office, his frustration palpable in every angry step, River couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt tug at her ghostly heart. She hadn't meant to push him over the edge, but her playful antics had clearly struck a nerve.

Floating through the empty corridors of the office, River couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her. She knew she had crossed a line, pushing Boss to the point of anger, and now she found herself grappling with the consequences of her actions.

With a heavy sigh, River made her way to the rooftop of the office building, where she found Boss standing alone, his back turned to her as he stared out into the darkness of the night. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to approach him after their earlier confrontation.

"Boss..." River began tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper.

Boss didn't turn around, but his shoulders tensed at the sound of her voice. "What do you want, River?" he muttered, his tone sharp with irritation.

River floated closer, her gaze fixed on Boss's rigid form. "I... I just wanted to say that I'm sorry," she said softly, her voice tinged with genuine remorse. "I didn't mean to upset you. I was just trying to lighten the mood, you know?"

Boss remained silent for a moment, his back still turned to River as he stared out into the darkness below. But slowly, he began to relax, the tension draining from his shoulders as he turned to face her.

"I know, River," he said quietly, his voice softer now, devoid of the anger that had filled it moments before. "I appreciate your... efforts."

River smiled sheepishly, a wave of relief washing over her. "Thanks, Boss," she said, her voice tinged with gratitude. "I promise I'll try to tone it down from now on."

Boss nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I'd appreciate that," he said, his tone gentle.

And as the two ghosts stood together on the rooftop, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, a sense of camaraderie settled over them, binding them together in the quiet moments of the night. Despite their differences, they knew that they were stronger together, navigating the trials and tribulations of the afterlife side by side.

A/N again:

Ik its very sad and stupid and i ehm used chat gpt to enhance it,

What do u think?

Im still stuck on how im gonna do this charlie x eugene, but hopefully im not this hopeless tmrw :D

Buh bai!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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