care for a dance? *part 2*

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KK walks up to Tina he puts his hand out and asks her

"care for dance ?"

with Tina already little blushing he already could tell that she was going to say yes nobody was watching so it was okay for it to say yes. by across the room her friend girls were already watching them recording and sending them to more people and on what's going on. But as soon as Tina stands she was a loss for words she didn't say anything or she could do was grab his hand. And by the next moment a slow dance gets on so it was the perfect moment for them to dance and so for other people too. People were caught off guard and having little smirks on their faces as they watch the the two people go hand in hand and dancing with each other also with everybody dancing he puts his hand around her waist and she puts her hand around his neck as the two dance to the slow dance song they danced about a good 3 minutes until the slow dance was over when the slow dance cut off they quickly got off of each other and looked into each other's eyes and they quickly fast walk to their tables apart. people had good ideas and little smirks on their face and some girls even giggling and some guys nodding their heads and saying to themselves good job man good job. when the dance was over and the school day was over the two walk out of their classes and walk to the side  where everybody goes they walk in the front of school and wait for their parents to come and get them is there a waiting KK ask Tina or something he wanted to ask a question but then no if he was going to get rejected. He asked Tina

"hey tina do you think I could spend a few hours with you for my school project?"

he says well shyly looking away. Tina puts on a big smile and says

"sure do you already have permission to go to my place?"

she says I'm not trying to blush. KK says

"yeah I asked my mom if you minutes ago and she said sure I asked my dad and he said sure too so it's good for me to come with you"

he says Tina says

"let me ask my mom and see if she can pick me and you up ok ?"

" Ok "

he said then immediately Tina brings out her phone and texts her mom about the project with him and her are going to do her mom says it's cool and she will be there in a few minutes. Then she turns to KK and says

"my mom said it's cool so you're good"

then he puts on a big smile and says

"that's great"

then a smile quickly turns into a little frown do you know notices and says

"what's wrong?"

he says with a little frown and a little afraid

"what about your dad ?"

he says with a little frown on his face Tina says

"it's okay I really don't live in my biological dad instead I live in my step dad he's kind of a businessman so you can ignore it"

she says with a little smile on their face. then kk frown turns into a a little smile a relief and greatness. A few minutes past and her mom comes to the front and picks up the two. the whole car ride was a little quiet but yet music came through. When her mom drops them off she says to Tina

"I have to go back to work make sure you don't bother your stepdad okay?"


Tina says. And then her mom drives away. they get into in KK hears the music coming out of the other back room where the kitchen is he says

"what's that noise ?"

with a little concern and his head a little tilt. Tina says

"oh don't mind him he's just blasting some music and working on some business"

she says assuring him and escorting them two to her room.

the story of 2 Teens are named to keetine Keegan x Ernestine !Disconnected!Where stories live. Discover now