the way he looks......

12 0 0

Ernestine - Tina

Keegan - kk

Brianna - bri

There will be unknown people cuz I can't remember more
people 🤪
It was a normal day for Tina she got up got ready and went out the door. she got in the car with her mom and they went off to the school. at there her mom dropped her off and she said

"bye mom love you see you later"

well she waves goodbye then her mom drives away. the teachers gave them a paper that says you can wear any red shirts or dresses but it has to be undercode there was a lot of dress codes in the school but sometimes you can do. she was wearing a pink light pink and  red dress it wasn't poofy but it was long and nobody can see her legs so the teachers approved with it. Today was Valentine's Day so people were wearing red pink or the light pink shirts and dresses but some of them dressed normally. While she walks down the hall a couple of her friends were walking in the hall too they ran to her and told her that kk was wearing a pink and red shirt and then Tina instantly blushed. And all the girls went

"oooooh does somebody have a crush~?"

then all the girls giggle and Tina just said

"he's just a friend nothing more"

than Tina walks off to her classroom just before she went to her classroom she went a quick stop for breakfast then she ran fast to her classroom. when open the door she saw everyone looked at her from a maze and gaze down at her head to toe everyone had their eyes opened and for a moment she was kind of embarrassed but everyone just stared and then went back to what they were doing. She turned her head and saw that KK was talking to some of his friends and both of their friends she walked over put her bag down and said
"good morning everyone"

their friends went

"good morning to you to"

their friends turned over to KK and KK instantly blush a little he was gazing at her from clothes of an eye his mind was blown by the way she looked he was gazing for 30 seconds until he snapped out of it and said

"good morning"

he blush a little while looking away and saying it. Tina instantly blush a little and the friend group just looked at each other and grinded and smiled and some of them were giggling over the two. The friend group knew that both of these two had feelings for each other but they never told each other. A couple more minutes past and when it was 7:57 the friend group noticed and they all headed to their spots the teacher was in the back doing work and she saw the clock she started to gather up some stuff pulled up the white screen and turn it on when it was 7:59 she went

"okay class time is starting now"

all of a sudden it was 8:00 the morning where everybody is in their classrooms doing morning work. While the teacher said

"today is going to be different today when it's almost time for lunch everybody will head to the cafeteria a little early for a little party for the Valentine's Day today some teachers will be there and some counselors will be there and most importantly you don't have to pay for food it will be given out"

the class looked at each other and went

"yay !!!!"

Then the teacher said

"settle down settle down"

Then the whole class sat down and listened to what she had to say more

"today will be a little different for your schedules so here's a paper for the schedule for only for this day then when the day is over you can throw in the trash or and the cycle bin"

She pointed at a random student and the student had to come up get the papers and give it to everybody for this day. When the teacher was done talking she sat down at her desk and said

"it's almost time to go everybody pack your stuff and wait for the Bell then look at your papers and see what class you're going to visit"

then all the students nodded their heads and they thar  stuff put in their backpacks and wait for the Bell to ring while this was happening Tina looked over to KK and she kind of blushed a little he was looking really cute when she was staring at him he noticed that she was really starting to get really in the stair of her gaze over to him he knew that she was staring when he looked over she really quickly looked over the other way and looked at her backpack and started packing her stuff.


the story of 2 Teens are named to keetine Keegan x Ernestine !Disconnected!Where stories live. Discover now