Chapter 9

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Psalm 37: 23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: 

Savannah read the article in awe of what had happened to Brian. He was beaten almost to death after being caught by one of his father's rivalries. She was happy he left her alone after that night but felt sorry for his ordeal. Savannah did not wish harm on him but knew things had a way of coming back to reward you for the good you do or the evil you do. As she got busy with her work for the day Peter made an appearance at her door.

"Savannah it's good to see you back," he said. "Thanks," Savannah said continuing to ignore him. "Are you ready for us to move to friends with benefits? " he laughed. Savannah looked at him not at all amused.

"Peter, stop begging. It is not attractive. I don't want you or will ever want you," she reminded him. Peter swallowed and looked at her in awe angry that she would not even consider giving him a chance. 

Alisha appeared when he was gone. "What is his problem?" Alisha asked. "Well, he wants a fling and Matthew wants to date me," Savannah explained. 

"Well, Matthew's looking good in my book," Alisha smiled. 

"We are having lunch today. We will see how it goes," Savannah informed her.

"Nice," Alisha said excited for her friend. She simply wanted God to order Savannah's steps every

day of her life. 

Matthew looked across the diner table at Savannah as they sat and ate lunch. He was happy to be here with her.  She looked nice in her suit and he noticed these days she was dressing a bit more modestly.  She could wear a paperbag and he would find her attractive. 

Savannah tries to avoid Matthew's eyes. He was so intense and sensitive when it came to her. She had never met anyone before who liked her for her. This was all refreshing and new.

"What is this? Are we dating? Are we friends?" she asked after they ate together. 

"What do you want it to be Savannah? We can take it slow and move at your pace?" Matthew said. She watched him curiously as he admired those awesome blue eyes.

"I'm good with friendship," she stated. "I can live with that for now," he smiled prompting her to smile too. 

"Savannah, you should smile more. You are beautiful," he concluded. "You're not so bad yourself, Mr. Newman," she said. 

"So tell me about my mysterious friend," she stated. 

"Where do I begin? I am a real estate investor/restaurant owner. I am thirty years of age. I live alone. My family which includes my parents and two brothers live out of state. I love and care for simplicity and nature. but with all those accomplishments I would not be anything without God. I am a follower of Christ," he continued.

Savannah was surprised to hear about his faith and relationship with God. She wondered what he saw in her. She also had reservations about telling him bout her past but he needed to know.  Matthew could tell she had gone somewhere. He gently held her hands to reassure her that nothing she shared would push him away. 

"Why are you single again?" she asked. 

"I am waiting for my wife and looking forward to discovering more about her and our journey together," he said searching her eyes. I don't do casual. I am looking for a long-term committed relationship," he said.

Savannah did not know what to think about his revelation. He was looking so deep into her eyes that she thought he was referring to her. They both were silent for a while processing what was said. 

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