You promised Part 2

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It's been a day and she hasn't seen or heard of Ross. Her stomach was not being a friend of hers either. She had no appetite yet she was starving. She looked at food and she thought she'll throw up.

Work hasn't been easy that day either, it made it worse that she hasn't been able to talk to Monica. She got home late that night and Rachel was already sleeping. When Rachel woke up she was already late for work and in a hurry.

Now she was at home fidgeting like crazy. Nothing would occupy her. She just needed to hear from Ross because the anticipation was killing her.

The sound of keys was heard from the door and for a moment she thought it was Ross. But it was just Monica, much to her disappointment.

"Ugh," she sighed.

"Well, hello to you too," Monica said as she came through the door.

"Sorry," Rachel blushed a little. She had nothing against her, she just wished it was Ross.

"What's up with you?" Monica asked as she took her jacket off.

"Nothing, nothing," she shook her head. This was an insanely uncomfortable situation. How was she going to tell her best friend that she cheated on her brother. This is why people tell you to never get involved with someone that you have relations with because it never works out well. But it was Ross, how could she not get involved with him?

"How was your big anniversary dinner?" she asked with a big smile.

"We didn't actually get to the dinner part," Rachel said sadly.

"Ohh, that good huh," Monica smirked.

"No... I think we broke up Mon," Rachel turned to her sadly.

"What?" Monica walked up to the couch, "Wha- why, what happened?" she asked worried as she sat down beside Rachel.

"I- there- he-," she tried to say but there was no way of telling her this without looking like a complete asshole, "You have to promise me to not hate me after I tell you this," she looked up at her best friend with tears in her eyes.

"God Rach, what did you do? Cheat on my brother?" Monica chuckled a little.

Spot on Monica. Rachel thought to herself. She looked up at her best friend with a guilty look on her face.

"You didn't!" Monica's eyes grew wide. Rachel just nodded. What else was she supposed to do, the cat was out of the bag, "Why- why would you do that to him?" she asked with such disgust. She knew this would happen. Ross was her brother of course she would protect him.

"I just- I wasn't thinking. He was driving me nuts with all his jealousy-,"

"So you decided to sleep with someone?" Monica interrupted her as she stood up with anger.

"God no, I told him we needed to take a break, just cool off and then I heard this woman over the phone with him and I just... I don't know something in me snapped... I- I... wasn't thinking," tears rolled down her cheeks.

"So, what now?" Monica asked with bit more sympathy.

"I don't know. He went home last night to think about this... about us. God Monica I don't want to lose him," Rachel breathed, "I love your stupid brother so much I just can't bare the fact of losing him," she cried into her hands.

"Oh Rach," Monica pulled her in for a hug, "Ross loves you too," she tried to calm her down.

"You should've seen him yesterday. There was so much disgust in his eyes. Why did I have to go and ruin this?" Rachel asked.

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