✨chapter 12

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It's morning again and another day of school, I'm honestly tired of going to school, I stood up did my normal morning routine. Mummy was in the kitchen, I didn't go out of my room even though I was ready for school. To Avoid extra work.

I turned on my data and I saw a message from that clown Mussadiq

Mussadiq: Good night.

Mussadiq: Good morning vee
Hope you had a wonderful night.

You: Good morning.
Yes I did Alhamdulilah.
Thanks for asking.

Mussadiq: you're welcome.
Aren't you supposed to be on your way to school?

You: I could ask you the same question

Mussadiq: but you didn't and I asked first.

"VIVA!" I was about to reply him when I heard my signature call, so I just turned of my data and left the room.

"Good morning mummy"

"Welldone after pretending you're now greeting me. Toh I won't answer"

I just smiled and sat down to eat.

"When you come back from school i have something to tell you." She said

"Haba now mummy please tell me now. I will be thinking of it the whole day, please just tell meeee." I begged her

" No if you came out early I would have, but since you didn't I'm not telling you a thing" she replied me

I just ate and said bye to her because I know she won't tell me and Haidar is Already waiting in the car.

"Good morning ya Idris"

"Morning viva, how are you?"

"I'm fine Alhamdulilah"

"Why are you frowning your face" Haidar asked me

"It's none of your business" I replied him.

"Mtcwwww" he just hissed and we left for school.

When I got to class I saw Nana and Adnan gisting, sani was in his own world and Auwal was sulking. And Zara isn't in school yet I think

"Good morning my fans"

" You're mad, who's your fan." Nana said

"At least answer the greeting first now werey"

"Good morning Iva" Sani replied. Finally someone with sense. I totally forgot about yesterday sef, that Mussadiq clown kept me preoccupied. I forgot that these two are my possible new siblings. But I refuse to think of the future I just want live in the present.

" I always knew you were a fan of me" I replied smugly

"Pft, you wish"

I sat down and kept my bag then I looked around the class and Auwal is still sitting alone. Is he still sick ahbi what.

So I tapped him. "Heyyy"

"How far" he replied in a not so Auwally voice.

"Fine, what's wrong?"


"Are you still sick??"

"No I'm fine"

He didn't want to talk, but I really wanted to know because he looked disturbed. And it's so unusual.

"Let's go outside" he said.

We left the class Sani did a hand gesture asking me what's up and I mouthed 'i don't know'

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