Chapter Sixteen: It Wants To Play!

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[Thunderbird Five]

"Scott, whatever you're doing is having an effect." John explains as he watches.

"I'm using Thunderbird One's thrusters to slow down the train." Scott announces.

"But it's not enough. Can you give it more thrust?" John asks.

[The Train]

Scott gives it more thrust and the train begins to slow down. Scott was impressed that Phoebe had come with a suggestion that was working, on the fly.

"It's working! More, Scott, More!" John exclaims.

"Yes!" Phoebe exclaims.

"This is brilliant, why didn't I think of this?" Brains asks. Thunderbird One breaks off and goes flying. Scott's eyes widen as it flies off.

"That's why." Scott replies.

"Uh-oh." Luna and Willow say in unison.

"Well, it worked... until it didn't." Phoebe explains, "Sorry, honey."

[Thunderbird Five]

"Scott, I'm controlling the switcher from up here. The minute that other train passes I'm switching you onto the track." John announces.

"Not the minute, John, the instant." Scott explains and the train speeds up once more. Phoebe holds her breath without realizing it. She waits for word. The other train passes, and John switches them.

[The Train]

"Whew." Scott breathes out and Phoebe lets out her breath. Scott and Brains head back down into the Train.

"Scott." John announces.

"Yeah?" Scott replies.

"Remember when you asked if there was a switch up ahead and I said there was, but–?" John reminds him.

"I remember that 'but'." Phoebe explains.

"Well, here's the rest. The track you're on now leads to the city's main terminal. And right at rush hour." John admits.

"Any luck getting past that virus or whatever it is?" Scott asks.

[Thunderbird Five]

"It's definitely not a virus." John says, "It's almost like it's thinking for itself."

"The Hood is up to something, I'm telling you!" Alan exclaims.

"Uncle Alan! It's not the scary Mr. Hood!" Luna exclaims.

"It can't be." Willow replies.

"No, it's too sophisticated for him and why am I talking to you? Aren't you supposed to be doing your lessons?" John asks and hangs up on him.

[Tracy Island]

"OH!" Alan complains and sighs, "Alright, what's next?"

"That one, Uncle Alan." Willow states and points to the next lesson.

"Game Theory? Yeah! Oh. I see the theory, but where are the games?" Alan asks.

"A game?" Luna asks.

"I don't see a game either." Willow replies.

"That makes my head all spinny." Luna explains.

"It's too complex for you kids." Alan replies.

"It sounds like it's too complex for you two, Uncle Alan." Willow teases and Alan whines.

[The Train]

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