v. i know it's over.

Start from the beginning

loose thoughts slowed her down, at least enough to where a hand gripped the fabric of her hood to pull her back. a gasp fell from her lips just as she would fall to the ground, the wind being knocked around her lungs as he wrestled to get the axe from her hands. the need for security was stronger than the need to breathe, her grip death like against the handle.

"let go!" the stressor growled, his fingers digging in against her own. kicking at his stomach with her knee did nothing, not a single reaction was given. narrowed eyes seemed so deadset on the weapon, as if his attempts of jestering before were long gone. she would have rather dealt with the jeering from other, at least she wasn't the target then; but she was in his thoughts now, ones tainted with momentary hate as he pushed her back, desperate to get the object. he had a second hatchet, why was he so adamant about this one? tilting her head back, she saw the upside down perspective of gabriel's shoes. He had halted, standing a few feet away with a shocked expression across his face. The flashlight quaked and aimed everywhere with the shaking of his hands.

"help me!" she pleaded on her own, but he only froze. a frown twinged at her lips as she realized he was too far gone in his worry. she would have froze too, if she could. she was on her own, her head reeling forward to face the masked man. up close he seemed much more intimidating. an invisible, but somehow still present snarl settled behind his mask. piercings reflected the light that came and went in flashes. a few beauty marks were just barely seen, but her gaze stayed on the sharp gaze staring down at her. orange tinted disdain met her, a huff of air warning her to hand the thing over. grip tightening, she pulled it back before roughly shoving it into his face. the head crashed against his nose, and he was pushed back force wise. though, he didn't grip his nose in agony, he simply clutched onto the handle of the axe. cradling it ever so slightly, she made her escape in the little bliss.

swaying towards her friend, she grabbed onto his arm once more and pushed him further. the race started again, though a new lap would pass as they passed clearings of bushes and frail twigs. the heavy green was fading as they neared a particular opening. that familiar hope blessed itself in her chest, replacing the labored breaths with quick huffs of persistence. they were almost there, she could see the road now. the main road! A highway! help was sure to be buzzing by, someone had to stop their car. even if they didn't, would the man behind them really risk publicity? he was in the woods for a reason, only hermits and freaks of nature lived there - unfortunately bloodthirsty ones.

still a wide smile spread across her lips, teeth cheesing at the thought of safety. at least now they had known what had happened, the police would have to listen, they'd do something! she could mourn later, after everything was over. hell, she'd dedicate her life to a memorial. it was what alex deserved, peace in the earth, their ashes growing into a new life - they had always wanted to be planted with a tree. It was why she rushed forward, begging whatever god was listening to just let her do this one thing. to let her live to pay it forward, she'd let destiny ruin her later.

just as she neared the side of the road, she glanced to face gabriel, making sure he was okay. A harsh shove to her chest was her response, her footing lost and a stumble greeting her instead. gabriel stood with his arms outstretched, his palms faced towards her. guilt riddled his face as he watched her fall back, it would have caught her attention for longer if it weren't for the bright lights shining at her. head turned to be blinded, and the harsh cry of machinery on already fragile flesh sounded throughout the night air.

cold asphalt contracted the searing feeling within her chest, yearning for relief from the compression. wide eyes seemed to lull at the yellow dashes in the road, the headlights now lightening her back while her shadow splayed out in front of her. she was glad she was faced away from them, but she didn't prefer her fleeting moments to be spent staring at bloodied tire marks and a dark winding street. a ringing in her ears tensed her already stiff joints, her already dotted vision blurring as she tried to move in response. barely twitching about, a low groan came from her lips, more so a rattle. the engine hummed from behind her, showing that the only company she had wouldn't be staying around for long.

at least they had the decency to stop before pulling the car into 'drive' and pushing the pedal to the floor with a lead foot. a not so hollow crunch was put into motion as the tire rushed across her sternum, she didn't even have time to rattle once more. an involuntary jerk was decent enough as she was rolled onto her back, her head bouncing off the ridges of the road with another crack'! her vision compromised with her for the moment, allowing her to see with a dizzy double layering over it. she was seeing stars, literally. twice as many, just above her, calling out and circling in the opening. a gargle erupted from her throat as she tried to speak, trying to show her gratitude for such a mesmerizing sight.

glowing hues took her mind off of the now concave pressure in her chest. labored breathing synched with the slow twinkling, gone and back. too dazed to worry about what was going to happen next, only wondering about why lied above. she would have liked to gaze upon them just as used to: on top of the park's plastic playthings, cozying up to a warm presence. it was only three days ago that she had gotten to do something familiar; the push of a swing brought her higher to the secure beams in the sky, basking in whatever mysteries they held as her friends stuck nearby— at least until it had ended in a frantic search for one another , rather than the usual study of the hidden connections above. grounded and scavenging for any sort of clue for her, desperate for the warmth of security.

all that was left of her was the stained, zip up jacket adorning the now broken body. the three day search was pointless, even the town's police department knew that. she was always the last to miss the cue, maybe she just downright ignored it this time. and on the third day, she put up a final fight. a final walk around the trails, then a chase that put her in a soon to be chalk outline across the ground. it was a shock she could even still wonder, to even think. how long would it take for someone to find her ? would someone look for her just as she did for alex ? a crushing feeling gave her , her answer. maybe the sporadic 'woodsmen' would find her sprawled about in her own blood, locked up from broken joints. she'd rather be alone. the company of the stars were the last friendly outing she'd have.

though she hoped alex wouldn't be upset with her, that she couldn't fulfill the mind thought of memorials. the others existence would die with her's, a disaster left in the middle of the street. she wondered if alex had been just as cold as her, just as torn. a shuttered sob croaked from a bloodied throat. praying one last time, praying that the pain would lessen for just these few moments. as if she were seven years old and begging in an abandoned confession, how stupid she had been then — and how stupid she was now.

her vision was giving out again, the ringing in her ears reminding her of the harsh reality below her. it melting under her, soaking her jacket — barely diluting the red out of it. dark clashed against the glow, hushing her to sleep. she didn't think she'd wake up if she did, but her deluded state didn't allow her to mind. she was less than casually obsessed, but she'd forgiven death. it gripped her throat with a tough act. though, she was too far sunken in to notice the clasp around her ankles and the not so subtle dragging of her body. the sinking feeling in her chest became crooked as her ribs contorted into place. when she was brought back down to the world, it felt more like a relapse rather than a second chance.

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