Conduit of Famine

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The weakest of the 4
The runt
Death's intellect

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: Unknown

Species: Conduit
Gender: Male
Height: 6'10
Weight; 162 pounds.

You will not oppose me and my brothers.-Conduit of Famine.

The Conduit of Famine is a Conduit that appeared somewhere near the end of the cycle that War and Conquest appeared in. Although he is the weakest compared to Conquest and War, he is tied with the Conduit of Death as being the most rational. When he appeared, He, Conquest, War, and Death together to be the 4 Horseman Conduits.


Famine is a Conduit that is born near the end of the cycle, and when that happened, he witnessed the Conduit of War and the Conduit of Conquest fighting against one another, due to War having decided to start it. But Famine decided not to get involved in this fight, since he doesn't have any concern for it in his eyes. Instead, he decides to wander around to elsewhere, and it is there that he encountered the Conduit of Death, who is near the fight when it has happened.

Famine and Death were very curious with one another, as the both of them began to speak to each other, and oddly enough, they both possess similar personalities to an extent, and it is enough for them to be able to get along with each other. As the cycle ended, Death and Famine said goodbye to each other, but they parted ways on good terms.

At the beginning of the new cycle, Famine has now appeared in a different place, and while he is a bit confused as to where he had appeared in, he decided to find a way back to where he was before and wander all alone. However, despite this, the Conduit of Death came to him first, just as he had began to wander around in the new realm, as he brought him back along to be with the other Conduits, who he can be with. Of course, he only did that because it is based on Conduit Tradition and needed to be recruited to know how to be a Conduit.

As he practiced, it is discovered that his Conduit has the power to induce famine onto others. While it may not seem impressive at first, due to how most or many Conduits don't need to eat for sustenance, his powers is shown to be so immense that it can even cause a person's metaphysical concept to starve and eventually lead it to cease living in all existence, as well as sap away at a person's life force. Although, even when compared to the others, he is still fairly weak, yet he is very useful to an extent, as well as making it up with his intelligence. And as such, he is still given a spot in the Conduits and worked alongside them.

Famine would eventually meet War and Conquest, after Conquest finally decided to come with War, despite how much he distrusts him for his actions at the previous cycle before. When Famine met both War and Conquest, Conquest does remember him, as even though he was facing against War, who saw him appear from the past cycle. War and Conquest went along with Famine to see Death, and they all had a 4 way conversation together.

Although War and Conquest are a bit disapproved in the fact that Famine is no fighter, although mainly because he doesn't enjoy conflict at all, they do acknowledge that he is intelligent, a bit more so then even Death himself, even though he is not as experienced as Death. As such, they at least admire his intellect being useful to help aid the Conduits. And seeing how all of their powers seem to be related to death to an extent, Famine, Conquest, War, and Death became a very special 4-man group, as well as the unofficial faction of the Conduits in a way, despite being together with the others. They all became known as the 4 Horseman Conduits.


The Conduit of Famine is shown to be an inside an witty a rather thin and average built, in contrast to War and Conquest's muscular build. He is shown to be wearing ragged clothes that are brown with the coat and black with the shirt, but does possess some armor, such as leggings and greaves, which are black, yet seem warm out and rusted in a way. He is also shown to wear a black hood over his head that covers his eyes, and his face is shown have skin that is gaunt, pale, and skeletal, as if he is malnourished.

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