Conduit of Conquest

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Death's partner
War's partner.

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of birth: Unknown

Species: Conduit
Gender: Male
Height: 7'2
Weight: 415.13 pounds.

Those that dare stand against me and my allies, shall be conquered.-Conduit of Conquest.

The Conduit of Conquest is a Conduit that appeared shortly after War, with another Conduit that is close to then also having appeared after Conquest himself. He is one of the more vicious Conduits to exist, second after War.


Just like with War, it is unknown how this Conduit came to be in the first place, nor is it known how Conquest appeared. All that it is known is that he appeared shortly after War appeared, in the middle of the cycle that War first appeared in.

When Conquest appeared and he noticed War and Death, he cannot help but think he should be there with them. But at the time, War was hungering for battle, and had little restraint in what he does. So when he noticed Conquest, he attacked him. Conquest, in retaliation, attacks back and began to fight with all that he has, using his Bow to fight against War, despite the fact that he is not as strong as War nor as vicious as War himself is.

Both Conquest and War fought against one another with all that they have, and although Conquest fought valiantly against the vicious assault of War, he eventually fell into battle, but not before Conquest put an arrow on War's head, killing him for a temporary amount of time. So while Conquest lost the battle in a way, he still got his last laugh against War.

Conquest would later come back in the new cycle, the same with War, and when they met each other again, Conquest readied his bow to fight against War again, thinking that he is about to instigate a fight against him once more. And attack he did. But War, at the time, was surprisingly not here for a fight and instead came to talk to Conquest. But Conquest did not believe that War came here to talk, only here to fight against, and thus attacked with all that he has. War defends against Conquest and instead tries to talk to him, but Conquest refuses to heed War, thinking that he is only here to attack him, and continues to attack. War, realizing that he is not going to listen, decides to fight back, and this time continues to fight back against one another. However, the battle got interrupted by an unknown Abomination, who had decided to come out of nowhere and attack them and consume them, this one different from what is fought between War and Death.

War and Conquest, realizing the danger that they are in, decided to work together and fight back against the Abomination. The Abomination was extremely difficult to fight back against, especially since Death is not present to help them. But eventually, War and Conquest are able to win against the Abomination.

After winning against the Abomination, Conquest decided to walk away, thinking that he needs some alone time after all that has happened, but War insists on talking to him, because Death wants to talk to him as well. This made Conquest look at War with confusion at this sudden information. But Conquest obliges, especially since he felt this strange connection with War and Death, and decided to come along with War to speak to Death.

When Conquest and Death finally met and properly talked to each other, Death and Conquest talked about one another for a bit, and requests that he joins the other Conduits, which surprised Conquest, since he only thought that Death and War existed, but had no idea that there were other Conduits that also existed. Although a bit unsure at first, Conquest decided to come along and meet the other Conduits in order to see what is needed for him there with the other Conduits existing. And it is here that Conquest will have his life changed forever, as it seems that he is needed in the services of the Conduits.

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