Conduit of Conquest

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Conquest is shown to be a rather tall Conduit, although is still very short compared to the War Conduit. He is shown to be wearing that seems to be a white robe of some sort with some armored shoulder pads on him, as well as a white veil that converts his eyes and nose. Despite this, his Mount is exposed, and is shown to be barefoot, never wearing any shoes of sorts, even when it is on top of surface. He is also shown to have a muscular and athletic built, although not to the same extent as War.


Conquest is similar to War, in which he possesses a deep lust for conflict and battle and relishes in combat. However, unlike War, this feeling stems from the desire to win in fights rather than the fights themselves. Aside from that, Conquest is calm and confident, possessing a well-mannered, silver-tongued traveling noble and gains the admiration and adoration of all of the people he speaks to. However, in fights, he is focused, stern, and straightforward, as well as being filled with pride to himself and his allies and wrath to the enemies that dare rise against them.

Powers and Abilities:

Conquest's Bow and Arrow: Conquest possess a bow that can summon arrows at the string when it is held. Due to the bow and arrow being infused with Conquest's power, they shown to be so strong, the arrow can pierce through enemies like nothing, and are even capable of multiplying into multiple arrows that can rain down onto a swarm of enemies.

Conduit of Conquest: As he is the embodiment of Conquest, conquest has control over the concepts of conquering throughout the verse, and although not as constant as War and Death, it is devastating, and as such, it is impossible to get rid of Conquest.

Conquest Manipulation: Absolute Conquest Manipulation: Conquest is capable of manipulating Conquest of any/all things, including mortals, amortals, undetermined beings, eldritch horrors, inanimate objects, concepts/conceptual beings, phenomena, absolute energies, nonexistent beings, transcendent beings, formless/omnipresent entities, even those who are free/separated.

Conquest Embodiment: The Conduit of Conquest and embodies the physical representation of subjugation and domination, which can extent to concepts or thoughts.

Conquering Presence: As he is the embodiment of Conquest, the Conduit of Conquest is present whenever conquering is involved.

Conquest Influence: Being in the presence of the Conduit of Conquest will make people have the feelings of hungering for power and domination, and thus will go to war with those that want it.


Conduit of War and Conduit of Death: the Conduit of Conquest met shortly after War first appeared. Although Conquest didn't trust War immediately the second time they met due to instigating a fight against him beforehand, after meeting Death, Conquest got along with the both of them, and is a very loyal ally, with War and Conquest being very close brothers, even more so then how War is to Death.

Conduit of Life: As she is close to Death, Conquest does talk to Life and surprisingly enjoys her presence, thinking of her somewhat as a sister, as her kind nature is able to tempter with Conquest's own brutal nature. When O'Brien, the Conduit of Passion, killed Life, Conquest was distraught and sought to avenge her.

Conduit of Passion, O'Brien and the Conduit of Power, Bastian/Brimm: The Conduit of Passion and the killer of Life, who would become a second Sol, Conquest is infuriated by what he had done and sought to kill him for what he had done to Life, vowing to make him suffer deeply for what he had done. This also extends to Bastian, the Conduit of Power, who would later become known as Brimm, an abomination.

Conduit of Darkness: Conquest despised Darkness because of the fact that he raped Life, although his hatred to Darkness is outclassed by O'Brien and Bastian.

Forbidden Conduit of Corruption: The child born from Darkness raping Life, Conquest often pairs up with War in order to try and kill Corruption, seeing him as an insult to Life.

Conduit of Purification: The child of Radiance and Death, Conquest gets along a little well with Purification and even helps train her in fighting along with War.

Conduit of Liminality: The child of Life and Death as well as the oldest half-sister of Corruption and Purification, Conquest oddly gets along very well with Liminality more then with Purification, possibly due to the fact that she inherits both of the personality traits of her parents equally.

Merus: The Bio-Conduit of Pre-Eminence, the relationship between the both is the same as with War's relationship with Merus.


Conquest is weaker compared to War in terms of physical strength, yet is still strong and skilled enough to fight against War.

Conquest is third in winning cycles after both War and Death.

Conquest is shown to be a master archer, due to the fact that he can shoot an arrow from his bow and not miss. He can even use his bow as a close-combat weapon.

Conquest is third in terms of power, with War in second and Death in first, although there are still other Conduits stronger than all 3.

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