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"Isobel! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Maggie said excitedly, shaking Isobel slightly in hopes to wake her up.

"Mags, it's too early!" Isobel groaned and rolled over.

"Come on, we're going to miss it!" Maggie said.

"Miss what?" Isobel asked.

"You'll see, now get up!" Maggie said. Isobel groaned again and opened her eyes to look at the time.

"Babe, it's almost five in the morning. What could possibly be so important that you have to wake me up four hours before my alarm goes off?" Isobel asked. She wasn't much of a morning person.

"You'll see. Now come on! Get ready!" Maggie said. Isobel could the excitement in Maggie's eyes.

"You're lucky I love you." Isobel said and got up. She did her morning routine and got dressed in comfortable clothes since she had no idea where they will be going. When Maggie saw that Isobel was ready, she excitedly grabbed her wrist gently and led her to the door of her apartment. Isobel stopped her because she needed her purse, but Maggie said that they'd only need her apartment door key. They went to the elevator, and Maggie hit the button for the roof. When the doors opened, Isobel could see a blanket, some pillows, a basket she assumed was filled with food, and some flowers set up near the ledge.

"I figured we could have a date and then watch the sunrise together. I know we haven't been able to get in date nights here lately due to work, so I figured we could do date mornings instead on the days that we work." Maggie said. Isobel smiled and kissed Maggie briefly.

"You always seem to find a new way for me to fall even more in love with you." Isobel said.

"Same with you." Maggie said and gave Isobel another kiss before leading her to the blanket she had set up. They sat down, and Maggie turned on the battery operated candles. Next she opened the basket and took out the bowls of yogurt with various toppings as well as a plate that had avocado toast on it. Isobel doesn't like to eat too much in the mornings because if she does, then her stomach starts hurting. So Maggie has learned along the way of their relationship how much Isobel eats in the mornings and made adjustments accordingly. Maggie, herself, has started eating an actual breakfast. Usually it would have consisted of coffee, but since she started dating Isobel, she started eating an actual meal.

Maggie and Isobel talked about random topics as they ate their food. When they were done, they put their dishes back in the basket. They had finished just in time as the sun started rising. "You know, I don't think I've ever watched the sunrise before." Isobel said.

"Well that's because you don't like waking up before eight." Maggie said with a chuckle causing Isobel to chuckle.

"Yeah, that's true." Isobel said. No other words were exchanged for about 20 minutes. Isobel was looking up at the sky in awe as Maggie was looking at Isobel wondering how she was so lucky to be Isobel's girlfriend.

"Let's stand up for a bit." Maggie said. Isobel agreed, and so Maggie got up and helped Isobel up. They walked over to the ledge and leaned their arms against it as they looked over the skyline. The sun began appearing more revealing pastel pinks and purples with some blue and a few clouds. Maggie looked over to Isobel, and it was the perfect candid moment. So Maggie quickly took out her phone and took a few pictures before putting her phone back in her pocket.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" Isobel asked, looking over to Maggie.

"Maybe," Maggie said. "But I had good reason to." Maggie said.

"And what could that reason have been?" Isobel asked. Maggie moved behind Isobel and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Because that was a moment I never wanted to forget. I mean, I don't want to forget any moment with you. But that moment was something truly out of a movie scene. You looked absolutely stunning as you always do, and I needed to take a picture or five so I always remember the moment." Maggie said. Isobel turned her head and kissed Maggie.

"I love you." Isobel said.

"I love you, too. You know, you are the most perfect, angelic, stunning, intelligent, strong, charismatic, classy but sassy person I've ever met. I am so grateful that you came into my life. I never thought I would ever love again nor be loved. But you've shown me the true meaning of love the entire year we've been together. We've had our ups and downs, but I'm so glad we always work through the tough times. You are easily the best thing that's happened to me, and I don't know what I did to ever deserve you. But I am the luckiest person in the entire world because I get to share life with you, and there's no one else I'd rather spend it with. I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. So Isobel Grace Castille, will you marry me?" Maggie said, letting go of Isobel and getting down on one knee. Isobel turned around and saw Maggie on one knee and opening a ring box with the most beautiful ring. She nodded her head before saying 'yes' with the biggest smile. Maggie smiled as she took the ring out of the box and placed it on Isobel's ring finger. She stood up and kissed Isobel. They both were shedding tears of joy. Their moment of happiness was cut short by Maggie's phone ringing indicating that she had a message. She pulled away from the kiss and pulled out her phone from her pocket to see what the text was.

"I'm assuming we have a case?" Isobel asked. Maggie nodded her head, so they packed up their stuff and took the elevator down to the floor Maggie's apartment was on. They went to her apartment and got ready before going to work.


Hey guys! Let me know what you think! I hope you like this one!

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