Special Date and Hockey

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"So I hear you're playing in the hockey game against Homeland Security." Maggie heard Isobel say. She looked up from her paperwork to her girlfriend.

"I am." Maggie said with a smile.

"That means you'll be the first female to play in the annual hockey tournament." Isobel said with a proud look.

"Yeah. It's definitely going to be interesting at practice to see the guys' reaction." Maggie said with a chuckle.

"If they say anything bad, they're just intimidated by you." Isobel said.

"I mean I guess. Since practice isn't until tomorrow, I think we should go on a date since I'll be busy with practice the next few weeks." Maggie suggested.

"Okay. Where do you suggest we go?" Isobel asked.

"Well, I was thinking we go for a little drive up state and go horseback riding. I know you used to go a lot as a kid, and I figured it'd be fun." Maggie said.

"Wouldn't the stables be closed by the time we get there?" Isobel asked.

"I have a friend up state that has horses, and he told me we could go up there after work." Maggie said.

"You planned this, didn't you?" Isobel asked with a smirk.

"You know it! What do you say?" Maggie asked.

"I would love to." Isobel said.

"Okay. I will meet you at your office at seven, and we can go home to get a change of clothes before heading there." Maggie said. Isobel nodded her head and went back to her office. The entire day, Maggie was thinking about their date and what she has planned for them. The thought of it makes her so happy yet extremely nervous. Maggie's leg started bouncing as it does when she gets a lot of anxiety.

"You okay over there?" OA asked.

"Yeah. Just nervous about tonight." Maggie said. Since OA was sitting there as Maggie and Isobel were talking, he most likely heard that they were going on a date.

"Why? You and Isobel have been dating for a little over a year. You've been on many dates before, so why are you nervous?" OA asked.

"I'm going to propose to her." Maggie said with the biggest smile.

"What, Maggie! That's exciting! What has you so nervous?" OA asked.

"I'm just worried she'll say 'no'." Maggie said.

"Well I think she's going to say 'yes'. You two love each other very much, and I don't think she'll hesitate with saying 'yes'. Plus she's recently gotten a manicure. When a woman thinks her significant other may propose, a woman will go get her nails done. Now Isobel doesn't wear mail polish, but I have noticed her nails have been freshly manicured." OA said.

"How the hell do you know that?" Maggie asked with amusement.

"Hey I pay attention. Sometimes. Plus I overheard Tiff and Nina talking about how women will do that." OA said.

"Well that makes a lot more sense. But it's still in the back of my mind that she will say 'no'." Maggie said.

"Do you have someone to secretly take pictures?" OA asked.

"Yeah my friend at the horse stables agreed to." Maggie said.

"I can't wait to see the pictures!" OA said. Maggie chuckled and got back to work. Maggie was nervous the rest of the day especially when the work day ended, and she was at Isobel's office door.

"Ready?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah. I'm so excited!" Isobel exclaimed. They went down to Maggie's car and went to the brownstone they shared to change their clothes. Maggie didn't change much. Just her shoes to a pair of boots. Isobel, however, changed her entire outfit. She changed into a pair of dark washed skin tight jeans (which Maggie absolutely loved on her), a plain, long sleeved, v-cut red shirt, a pair of tall boots, and her favorite necklace that Maggie got her for Christmas.

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