Fear of Falling

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**TW- mentions of mental/emotional abuse, slight physical abuse, depression, and feeling of hopelessness.

Maggie is going through a lot. Between the sarin gas attack, going through months of physical therapy, her sister, returning to work, it was becoming all too much for her. She has put on her best poker face when she's at work, she's learned to compartmentalize her personal life at work. She is the stronger one on the team when it comes to emotions, and she feels obligated to keep that up. She doesn't want to present as being weak in front of everyone. "Hey, Tiff, Scola, and I are going for drinks. Want to join us?" OA asked Maggie. Maggie looked away from her paperwork towards OA.

"No you guys go. I have to finish this up." Maggie said.

"Okay. Everything okay with you, though? You usually have that done in 10 minutes." OA said.

"Yeah. Just keep getting distracted today for some reason." Maggie said.

"You sure you're okay?" OA asked.

"I'm good." Maggie said, giving him her best reassuring smile even though it was far from the truth.

"Okay, well, see you tomorrow." OA said and left with Tiffany and Scola. Maggie stayed seated while she tried to finish her report. However, she kept zoning out. The case they just finished reminded her a lot of her own life. The killer was always taught to show no emotion, much of what Maggie's father drilled into her head.

"Are you seriously crying right now? See, this is what I was talking about. You started seeing that boy, and now he has you in tears all because he didn't want to be with you anymore. How do you expect to get anywhere in life if you cry over stupid shit like this? Keep it up, and all you'll be doing in life is flipping burgers."

That was the first time Maggie had seen her father angry over showing a little emotion.

"Great start to the game, but you need to be a little more aggressive. Be more assertive. You're getting sloppy with handling the ball. Don't go soft on me already. It's the first quarter. The other team shouldn't have any points. Now get back out there and show them who you are."

Maggie's dad was her basketball coach in Jr. High and high school. He would make the team run laps if they had a poor performance of a game, and if they lost, then the practice the next day was brutal. As always, they were taught to show no emotions on the court. If anyone did, the whole team did laps.

"I can't believe my little girl is officially a police officer. Remember, show no emotion. The guys are gonna give you a hard time if you do. Always remember that emotions are what will get you killed. Now chin up and show Muncie who Maggie Bell is."

That was Maggie's dads pep talk after she graduated from the police academy. She's never heard that he's proud of her, not even after graduating from the FBI academy. He's told Erin that he's proud of her after she got back from rehab. Hell, even after she graduated from high school.

"Maggie? What are you still doing here?" Maggie heard, however she never responded. She was still lost in though. "Hey, you okay?" Maggie heard again, except the person placed a hand on her shoulder. Maggie flinched and quickly backed her chair away from the person. She was brought out of her thoughts and saw that it was Isobel.

"Oh, hey Isobel." Maggie said. This concerned Isobel as Maggie has never reacted like this before.

"Are you okay?" Isobel asked again.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just lost in thought." Maggie said with the fakest smile. Isobel could tell that it was fake, but she also knows Maggie is stubborn and won't say what's actually on her mind.

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