• Gentleman •

362 14 13

Hello again, friend of a friend.
I knew you when our common goal was waiting for the world to end.


" oh. My. Satan. "

Well then, I never thought I'd be eating like this as a prisoner. Dinner was nice sure, the normal foods were served. However supper, 5 star meals were set out along the table. Candles were lit and the table cloth had been changed from a red to a shimmery gold and white.
In the middle of the table was a dessert stack, starting with little cupcakes and macarons to crème Brûlée and finally a chocolate mini statue of a duck.
The duck felt a bit out of place but I knew I was going to eat it, all of the smells and sights made me drool.

Since lucifer said supper was going to be special I actually tried with my look, washing my hair and doing a half up half down look. I also practiced with the makeup I found in one of the designer rooms, the room was full of expensive brands of make up and perfumes. The room looked as if it hasn't been touched in ages, which it probably wasn't seeing as all of it was most likely Liliths.
" I told you I'd be special "
Lucifer spoke up behind me, making me jump a little before turning around and giving him a small slap on the arm. He chuckled and went in front of me, holding the door open with his arm out inviting me in.
Lucifer wore something different this time, his normal white button up shirt but instead of his stripped vest he wore a rich scarlet vest with little velvet designs that I couldn't make out in the moment. Maybe he wasn't so bad, I know he's trapping me here but he seems to genuinely try and make my experience as good as possible. Even taking time out of his day to have supper with me. I normally don't even have supper, I mostly snack on whatever is in kitchens fridge late at night.

I walk in and bowed my head to him as I passed, showing him I'm somewhat grateful for the gesture. I hear the door close behind me as I walk on over to the table, trying to spot a chair with the best food around it. While looking at the table I didn't realise lucifer behind me, when I went to reach out for a chair he beat me to it.
Pulling the chair out with a nervous smile, I was startled at first but playfully rolled my eyes before sitting down and letting him tuck the chair in.

" aren't you the royal one? "
The situation seems funny to me, despite him being the king of hell and me being the total opposite he's still opening doors and pulling out my seat for me.
He finally gets around the table and sits down in front of me, I see his small bounce as he walks which somehow makes me smile seeing him this excited.
Maybe it won't hurt being nice to him for just one night.

" well your the lady here, and it's the least I can do "
He reaches over to a glass of what looks like a mock tail, which is understandable. He's really kept his angelic features about him, he's talked about not liking the sinners of hell and how he doesn't like the thought of alcohol. Especially bars.
I look around the table seeing if there was any alcoholic drinks, I didn't expect to see any however I was still disappointed when I saw none.
Seeing as all of the food was already on the table I didn't see a reason to sit and talk to him, so I began to reach over and get some food.

Most of what I ate was the desserts, I tried all of the different macarons and the thick, rich brownies. I felt as if I was really in heaven with this meal, each plate and serving was handled with care and was perfect down to each little detail.
I felt as if I was royalty, I didn't even notice lucifer half of the time being there. He was more slow and careful while eating and I could here his chuckles at certain points of my taste testing.
Then came the chocolate duck, it had been painted with some safe to eat ink. It was a classic yellow duck, orange beak and black eyes with white highlights.
I saw lucifer eyeing the duck as-well, as I did I suddenly stood up and tried to grab it. Only for the duck to disappear from plain sight, the sudden movement almost made me fall onto the table face first into the food. I kept my self up and glared at lucifer who held the duck in his hands, a nervous laugh was heard as I stared at him.

" split? "


" shall we? "

Lucifer held out his arm for me, it had turned night and the garden was lit up by multiple lanterns and fairy light. We had finsihed the food awhile ago but I needed some time to feel better, I overate and ended up with a stomach ache.
Lucifer had offered a walk in the garden to end the day and seeing as I had nothing better to do than rot in bed, I agreed for it.

The garden was stunning in the daytime and was even more divine at night. The many hedges and flowers that lined the paths, the paths that weaved around the flower patches and ponds.
With a smile I looped my arm into his, it felt werid. I haven't had physical contact in a while. To long. The way my arm rested on his was nice, the way his arm tensed up to pull me closer. Closer so I could feel the heat his body produced, I felt okay with this.

We walked around the garden for a while, arms tangled together. We didn't talk for a bit and sometimes we'd laugh together, however whatever we was doing it never felt werid. No one else was in the garden, all of the gardeners had went in and left for the day seeing as there's no need for them during the night.

I could get use to this.



If you recognise the songs before the story in my books I love you.

• love is a gentle thing • Lucifer x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now