• desperate •

373 16 11

Leaving me to doubt. Talk about, god in his mercy oh, if he really does exist. Why did he desert me. In my hour of need, I truly am indeed alone again, naturally.


I look down at the pale man's hands, the riches red apple off the tree lay in his hands. His long nail like claws hold onto it gently as he taunts me, pushing the apple closer to my body.
Looking up I see the same as I always do, a blurred our face hidden under a hat. The smile that was once full of evil and wickedness, is now full of excitement and eagerness. The apples red hue shines and lights up the man's white outfit, anything other than his face seems to be a blur.
I reach out to take the apple, the red glow shining on my hands as I inch closer.


' beep '
' beep '
' beep '

" ugh... " the noise came from under the covers, the blaring of the alarm pierced the demons ears as she took the sheet over and off her head. Reaching over she hit the alarm off the nightstand, as it hit the floor the beeping stopped and a few pieces of the alarm fell off.
Sitting up in the bed, Y/Ns hair flowed over her face. As she went to push it back her fingers got caught in knots and tangles. " great.. "
She rubbed her eyes before getting out of the bed, she stood idle for a moment while she stretched her arms and back.

' knock '
' knock '

" are you awake Ms Y/N? lucifer was wondering if you'd join him for breakfast "

The sweet voice of one of the many maids spoke from outside the door, Y/N groaned and sluggishly dragged her feet to her vanity. " tell him I said no, like I do every morning "
She sat down and stared at her self in the mirror, grabbing the brush and started to pull out the knots from her hair. She heard the maid sigh slightly and mumble something under her breath before her footsteps echoed down the hall.
It was like this every morning, he'd send up a maid to ask the same thing. And it happens throughout the day as-well, a maid would ask if she'd like to join him for dinner or supper. The answer would always be no.

The original deal made with her mother was that she would work for lucifer, however because the person changed so did the deal. She didn't have to work for him but she was cursed to spend all of her life in his house, she couldn't leave without him.
She also learnt that over time lucifer doesn't act like the king of hell, he doesn't yell or use his powers to force people to do stuff. Most of the maids here are bribed to work here with money, not power.
So y/n does the same thing everyday, waking up to say no to breakfast. Going to have breakfast alone when lucifer leaves, going to the art room. She enjoys the art room, since she's stuck here she's learning to do all different hobbies.
After the art room she'll say no to dinner with lucifer and again, have dinner when he leaves.
The rest of the day includes a walk around the garden, a walk around the house and finally laying in bed scrolling on the phone.

Because of the deal y/N's phone has restrictions, she can use any app and like posts or videos. However she cant post any or have contact with people outside of the house.


" the fuck..? "
Y/N stands outside the art room, she puts her weight on the handle however it doesn't move. She even attempts to kick the door, which leads to her holding her foot in pain.
Looking down the hall she notices one of the maids cleaning a window near by, Y/N leaves the door and calls out to the imp demon.
" excuse me, is the art room locked? "
It was a stupid question to ask, seeing as the door clearly won't open. But she just wanted to make sure, the maid looks up and puts her duster down. " oh yes it is, Master asked for it to be locked. "
The imp smiled nervously at the demon in front of them, y/n's s/c ( skin colour ) goes slightly red as her face twists into anger. " what? Why?! "
She mentally cursed out lucifer, her arms cross and her foot taps the ground quickly. " He said he'll only unlock it once you join him for dinner "

" oh fuck that "
Y/N turns around and storms back to the art room, kicking the door once again before heading down the hall. If she couldn't get into the art room she'll go to the library.


She'll go to the second Library then.


How about the gym?


Gardening room?


Y/N gripped her hair in frustration as every door she's tried is locked, she stands back and tries to use the little magic she has to open the door. Unfortunately lucifer has put some protective spell over the door, he seems really desperate to have dinner with her.
Y/N sighs and looks up at the clock at the end of the hall, seeing it's 2 hours till dinner she finally caved in. Heading back down the many halls to her room, she cleaned her self up but didn't bother wearing anything fancy or neat. Seeing as she didn't want to be there she didn't put in the effort.

What a long dinner this will be.

• love is a gentle thing • Lucifer x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now