Divorced life, Day 1

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(Somewhere, in the streets of Royal Woods, Lynn Sr had found himself a house, which he would stay in, he gained no access to his kids as all custody was granted to his now Ex-wife, Rita, but meanwhile, in the Loud House, the girls were all ready to help their mom and pull their own weight, even Lincoln)

"Kids..." Rita begins. "We all need to pull our weight, can I count on you kids to help me maintain ourselves afloat?"

"Yeah!" The other kids grinned.

"I'll start uploading on YouTube!" Lincoln grinned.

"We'll help!" Lola and Lana grinned as the Loud kids looked for jobs to support their mother, Rita was thankful for her kids helping her, at most, Lisa had the family set for life, but the other girls lightened her load.

But Lynn Sr, got his own load  gain a lot of weight and he was eventually working to have a stable life.

Meanwhile at the Loud House

"Has anyone seen my spare pants?" Lincoln asked.

"Leni said she put em in the laundry" Lynn says. "Why?"

"Need em for a job interview tomorrow, gonna try to apply to Nintendo." The boy replied.

"Startin' big aren't we bro?" Luna asked. "Alright, Where's their nearest headquarters?"

"Downtown by the arcade." Lincoln replied.

"Wow, that's close" Lynn says. "Anywho, you need help?" So the girls helped Lincoln get ready for his interview that was tomorrow, giving him pointers, helping him dress nice, all of that. No one would keep the Walker (previously Loud) family down for long!

The next day, 3 hours before the interview

"Alright, move it folks, move it!" Lori says. "We all got interviews, so let's go, go, go!" The entire family got ready for their interviews for their jobs, Lincoln would go first as his interview at Nintendo since his job was closest, in distance and time.

"See ya!" Lincoln grinned as he and the girls headed to their job interviews. The girls cheer for Lincoln via texts, as he does the same. By the time the interview was over, Lincoln was happy and excited. He just got the job! Hooray!

Later that day, at the mall, all the girls and Lincoln head to the food court and are discussing their jobs.

"So, how's everyone's job?" Lisa asked, trying to break the silence.

"I got a promotion at the mall!" Lori grinned.

"I work at JCPenny now." Leni replied.

"Got a part time gig at RadioShack, dudes." Luna grins.

"I'm a new comedian, ladies!" Luan laughs.

"New coach of the Royal Woods Middle school team!" Lynn bragged.

"New job at Nintendo, folks!" Lincoln grinned. "That's right!" The girls cheered for their brother's accomplishments, and vice versa. Rita came to spend time with her kids and keep an eye on Lily, from that day on, the family of Rita and her kids, got a little nicer, even if just for that night.

(End of chapter 5!)

:D Cya all tomorrow, I guess.

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