Chapter 10 🔪

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⚠️ So, so much descriptive gore ⚠️

I have yet to discuss it with Judy, Marcus always seems to be right next to me.
Judy told me that it was already risky for us to be seen together. I don't exactly understand, but soon, I won't need to.

I'll need a distraction, something that will take Marcus's eyes off us. I thought of maybe food poisoning him or giving him sleeping pills stuffed into his food... But if you really take the time to notice, Marcus never eats. Never once did I see him put anything in his mouth... So, I came up with something else.

The old church that burned down a few weeks ago.
No doubt that it had something to do with Marcus.

Perhaps with the intent of getting rid of a certain someone that was standing in his way.
I'm sure he'd be quite intrigued to know that there's been some "activity" at the church...

I raced through the streets and barged into the school.

"Marcus! Judy! Vanessa! Omar! You'll never guess what I saw!"

They were standing in a group near the cafeteria, Vanessa was showing them the new pocketknife she had gotten. Marcus came up to me.

"What is it?" He asked me in a soft, worried voice.

"You know that church that burned down?" Everyone nodded in unison except Marcus, who was slower.

"As I was passing it this morning, I thought I saw movement inside. At first, I thought it was only an animal or a firefighter but..." I leaned in as if I was about to spill a secret. "It was the priest."

I watch everyone tense.

"He was all dirty and covered in ash. He also kept saying crazy stuff while grabbing me and shaking me. Ugh... I ran away as fast as I could." I finished.

For a few seconds, it was quiet... Judy sneaked a glance at Marcus, which I would've missed if I wasn't looking for it.

"That's... quite the news..." Marcus says slowly.

"Are you sure it was the priest and not some hobo?" Omar asked.

"Yeah, he had the robe and everything."

"Still doesn't prove it was him." Omar continued.

I raise an eyebrow. "I remember how he looked like cause a few days ago he gave me a pam-"


I look over at Marcus, who has broken his pencil in half. There was a tense moment where he stared off into space before he snapped back.

"Ah, sorry..." He turned his head to me. "Don't worry about it, love. As Omar said, it could've just been a creep dressed up as a priest. There are some... pretty sick people these days."

I bit my lip and nodded.

I failed. Not only that, but I was so sure I had gotten Marcus too... I internally curse myself as the bell rings.

I sigh, walking to my class with Judy and Marcus. We walked a bit before Judy leaned into me.

"He's not following."

I turned back, and Marcus was gone. It had worked! He must've left to go check. I sigh and motion Judy into an empty classroom... the art room.

I close the door behind me and look at Judy. Tears started to form.

"Judy... I... oh god, I don't know how to word this..." She came closer and held my hands.

"I'm going to kill you."

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