Dear Reader

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Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading my book. 

Here's some information to make the reading easier. 

The Realm is where immortals live. It consists of four Kingdoms: Arvandor, Wyrdale, Silvermoon, and Eldoria. The humans in Mortalis are aware of the Realm and its people/immortals and vice versa. A treaty exists between the two worlds to maintain peace.

Technology is nearly the same in the Realm as it is in Mortalis but the people of the Realm tend to use their magic/powers/abilities rather than phones and cars, etc.

Mortalis is consists of mortal beings, mainly humans and animals.

The Realm:






Skin Walkers


More characters/beings will be introduced throughout the book.


Arvandor: Kingdom of the Fae

Wyrdale: Kingdom of the Vampyrs

Eldoria: Kingdom of the Witches.

Silvermoon: Kingdom of the Werewolves 

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