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The past week had been spent with little leisure time for Valentina as her time had consisted of studying, assignments and caring for Jay, her Jabberjay pet. By the time today came along, which was Friday, Valentina was more than ready for a weekend of pure relaxation. Due to her assignment for Dr. Gaul, Valentina had many nights of little sleep to keep on top of her weekly classes, leaving the redhead to be more tired than usual.

Thankfully, after the showdown last Friday, John and Chad, the two insufferable Gamemakers, had finally listened to Valentina and took her lead. Although they were a day behind and didn't successfully train a Jabberjay within the two week period, they had made tremendous improvement from day one where the birds would just fly freely.

Valentina suspected that training Jabberjays in a larger group rather than one-on-one would take a longer time, which was understandable, building bonds with multiple birds at once would certainly be a challenge. Either way, Valentina was feeling good about reporting back to Dr. Gaul. The Doctor was a scientist, she would understand.

The only downfall to being so busy was rarely seeing Coriolanus. Even now, seeing the blond of his hair as she stood next to him in Dr. Gaul's lab, she missed him. The last time they were so close in proximity was Wednesday, during their weekly lunch with Clemmie and Festus and while Valentina was glad to also have that time with her friends, as a group, she missed the alone time with her boyfriend.

But what could a girl do? She was just as career driven as the boy she loved. They understood some weeks would be busier than others, that was a strength they had. No matter their busy, conflicting schedules, they would always reunite whenever they could. Their relationship was a priority, their love was never neglected.

"Interns, so nice to have the full team back." Dr. Gaul snarled as she walked up to her three interns who were standing in a row in front of her desk, a routine they had learned. The Doctor turned to the redhead, giving her the full attention she wasn't expecting. "We will talk about your assignment later, Pet. For now, I want to hear your ideas for next year."

The demand was met with a sharp nod from Valentina, though her mind was confused. Of course, she had thought over a few ideas and had settled on one but it was nothing but an idea; no words had been written or plans had been settled on paper. Dr. Gaul would know this, Valentina was busy with her recent assignments, not something that was due in two months.

"I thought we had until the break?" Festus asked, bringing the question Valentina wanted answered, interrupting the girl who opened her mouth to ask the same question.

"Yes, you do. I want the rough draft, the main idea." The Doctor with dual coloured eyes stated, Valentina half glad she was not the one to ask with the bored, unimpressed tone Dr. Gaul wore. "Valentina has a different internship than you both. Coriolanus doesn't wish for this to be his... ultimate goal and you, Mr. Creed, do not have the viciousness I need. I expect nothing less than for her to have already started."

Smiling, Valentina was not surprised by her answer. She should have expected Dr. Gaul did not want to wait when it came to Valentina. The redhead had proven, time after time, that she was always prepared. It would have been foolish to think she would get the same treatment and rules as Coriolanus and Festus. Yet here she was, doubting her idea as she was forcibly telling the group.

"Everyone assumes once you win the games, you're free. You get to go back home, your life has returned." She started, earning a raised eyebrow from Dr. Gaul and a confused look from Festus. Coriolanus, however, understood you never truly left the game. "I want to remind the victors of the games they went through, parading them through each District to face the Districts and families of those who died in order for their survival."

Her idea felt weak, it played on the psychological horrors rather than physical but that was her strong suit - playing with the minds of those she wanted to. After a small pause, Dr. Gaul grinned, a small action to show she was pleased with Valentina's idea. The Doctor knew Valentina understood physical brute, nobody could deny the physical aspect of the game but the Head-Gamemaker-to-be was bringing a new weapon to the game.

"Hippity, hoppity, my intern's ideas can be vicious but..." Dr Gaul trailed off, leaving her riddle unfinished, the spotlight on Valentina to finish.

"The girl finds it delicious." Valentina smirked, her confidence growing on her idea. "A victory tour that ends here, in the Capitol, with a party for the elites to socialise and personally get to know the victor. It supports Coriolanus' betting suggestion from the previous games, too."

Coriolanus nodded, agreeing with his lover as she brought up his involvement from the 10th game. Valentina was not only bringing a new idea to light, she was improving previous ones. "It would certainly bring in the personal agenda to betting." The blond spoke, giving Valentina a smile of pride.

Returning his smile, Valentina turned to him before continuing. "Absolutely, to a whole new degree and even bring in bigger donations. I had other ideas to implement during my idea but respectfully, given the other two interns, I will keep them to myself."

"Very well, I hope to see it on my desk within the next few weeks." Dr. Gaul verbally approved before moving onto the boy's and their assignments. To summarise, Valentina was bored. To not be rude, she stood and listened to most of the conversations but listening to Festus and Coriolanus' essays was rather... dull.

Though she was thankful to have a moment of not using much brain power, it certainly felt like a waste of time. So, instead, Valentina took to studying Dr. Gaul's interactions with the two male interns. It was easy to analyse her actions towards Valentina, yes, but it was even easier to watch her reactions when it wasn't directed to the redhead.

Getting to study Dr. Gaul wasn't a thing Valentina planned to do but given the opportunity, she was definitely putting her time to use. It was interesting to see the ways Dr. Gaul interacted with the world. Valentina could only wonder how she would teach interns once she was Head Gamemaker. 'Would I give them unknown tests?'

Eventually, the attention was turned back to Valentina, the Doctor informing Valentina they would discuss her assignment during a private meeting on Monday afternoon. The grey eyed girl gave a sharp nod, showing she was listening and was available at said time. Though really, it was a demand. Valentina would be expected to attend the meeting, whether she had plans or not.

The Doctor dismissed her interns, who quickly gathered their things and exited the lab. Once outside, the breeze hit Valentina's face as she let out a sigh of relief, welcoming the weekend with open arms before turning to the two boys, looking between them as she stood in the middle, a hand interlocked with Coriolanus.

"Do you boys wanna do something this weekend? Clemmie is busy with Nerissa." She asked, hopefully to have some fun and relieve herself of the stress she had been under recently. From asshole Gamemakers to a professor who was putting unnecessary frustrations onto Valentina, she deserved some enjoyment.

"I'm busy with a few classmates on a project, sorry Val." Festus apologised, sulking at the thought of yet another unfinished assignment that he was yet to start. "See you guys later!" He shouted, splitting away from the couple as he walked the opposite way from their route, his house on the opposite side, closer to Clemmie.

Turning her attention to the blond boy with blue eyes she could drown in, Valentina smiles softly as she waits on his response to his question. "How about we go on a proper date?" He suggested, much to Valentina's surprise as her smile widened.

"Who are you and what have you done with my Snowflake?" She teases, not realising how much of a romantic he was, even though it was a very pleasant surprise. Coryo came to a halt, causing Valentina to halt due to their interlocked hands.

He spins her around to him, her falling into his chest with a giggle before looking back up to him, his eyes soft and full of love as he looks down, falling into her wide eyes. "For you? I'm a romantic, my darling Raindrop." He smiled softly, walking towards Valentina's home to drop her off until the morning. "Pack a bag, you'll be staying at my house tomorrow night." Their first official date, planned by Coriolanus Snow himself. It brought butterflies to Valentina's stomach, joining the excitement that began to bubble. 

COME IN WITH THE RAIN || Coriolanus Snowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें