🍰movie premiere🍰

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The next few days fly by. We finish filming and the premiere is scheduled for 7:00PM tonight.

It's currently 6:00PM. I'm in a black dress that has a blue sparkly skirt. Walker's gonna be wearing a blue suit with Aryan, Mormons is gonna be in a navy blue dress and skirt, and McKenna's gonna be in a matching dress with me, expect hers is light blue with a black sparkly skirt.

I smear primer on my face until it's all rubbed in. I take out a Sephora band concealer. I make lines underneath my eyes. Then I turn them into triangles.

I make a line between my brows next. I add some to my chin. Then, I use a pink beauty blender to make it look like my natural skin.

 I find a pretty pink sparkling lip gloss and put it on.

I use a lash curler first, then put Vaseline on, then add a coat of mascara.

I step back and look at myself. Perfect for a premiere.

knock knock knock 

"Come in!" Walker pushes the door open and stops and stares for a second.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I ask.

"No. You look so pretty though." He steps forward and grabs my hands. He places a kiss on my lips while walking backwards and pulling me out the door.



We turn and see McKenna and Aryan. "Oh...hey y'all!" I giggle.

"Since when-how-"

"We'll explain in the car!" Walker says as we hurry towards the elevator.


When we arrive at the movie premiere I whisper in Walkers ear. "What if we let them know?"

His eyebrows fly up. "I'm down. You sure you want to?"

"Yes. Right before we leave just kiss me." 

He nods. "Will do."


We step onto the red carpet where interviewers are lined up. Walkers middle finger almost flies up but I slap his hand. He looks shocked for a second.

"Okay that's 100 percent your fault!" He whispers.

"Is not!" I whisper through my teeth while I smile.

We make it to the room where the premiere of the first two episodes are going to be shown.

The first episode goes like this.

My mom, dad, and I get out of the car. "So Roxie, what da ya think?" My dad asks.

I look at the house. It's purple with a blue door. The roof is black. The supers are also blue. We have a balcony, it's unstable lookin but absolutely "Sick." I nod in approval.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" I start off for the front door.

The next ten minutes is basically me exploring the house.

Then we have a five minute montage of me decorating my room. I paint it dark red and dark purple. I stick up posters of bands and movies like AC/DC, Paramore, and The Neighborhood.

I hang up fairy lights around the corners.

A few minutes later the episode ends and we're onto the next one.

I'm laying in my bed, sleep mask halfway down my face. ACDC shirt and Nike booty shorts for Pajamas.

"Roxie, come on! You'll be late!" My mom calls,

I spring up and look at my clock.

"Shoot. Shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot!" I mumble while I fly into my closet. A second later I'm stumbling out buttoning up some Jean shorts over a black tank top. I grab a dark green jacket and throw it on over.

I pause in the mirror to look at myself. "Still got it." I grin, toss my hair, and pound downstairs.

"Honey, where's your backpack? You'll n-"

"Got it right here mom!" I grab it off the bench next to the front door.

"Roxie Johnson! You have to eat breakfast!" 

"Mommm!" I whine

"Roxieeee!" She mocks me.

I take a few bites of cereal and milk, wipe my chin on my arm and run out the door.

"Hey, forgetting something?" My mom calls out and I turn around. She holds out my skateboard.

"Sweet, love you!" I place it down and fly down the sidewalk.

On the way down I accidentally run into a boy when we're both turning the corner.

I fly off my board and onto the grass. He winds up on his butt across from you.

"Sorry! Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, yeah. Hey, I haven't seen you round here. You must be the new girl on the block. I'm Aiden. What's yours?"he responds.

"Uh, Roxie...hey Aiden, do you to uh...Trollie Middle school?" I ask.

"Yes ma'am." He helps me stand up. "You goin there?"

"Yep." I respond.

"First day?" He asks.

"Yes sir."

"You're gonna love my friends." 

Later we meet Momona Aryan and McKenna. We find out we're all on the same street and plan to hang out.

Very basic stuff you know.


When the premiere is done we have a little party. Walker and I drink so much lemonade I think we'll both be sick.

The main kids in the cast include the ensemble as well, I make sure of it.

We all it loads of cake. They have chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, red velvet...all of it.

When the movie premiere after party is done we all start to leave in groups.

First Momona and Aryan go, then McKenna and her friend in the ensemble leave, eventually it's Walker and I's turn.

"Bro I'm actually so freaking nervous." I squeeze his hand.

"It's gonna be fine y/n, almost everyone assumed it anyways."

I look at him. He looks back at me.

"Ready?" He asks me.

"Ready." I respond.

Hands linked, we step out the door and onto the carpet.

Immediately the flashing camera lights turn to us. So does the crowd trying to get pictures with and of us. "THEY'RE HOLDING HANDS!" a girl shrieks.

We're waved over and called at by a hundred different people.




"Y/N! Y/NNN"


The next part happens in slow motion. He turns to me and puts his hands on my hips. I put one on his cheek. His freckles stand out. His eyes pour into mine. His curls have come loser and look a little messy.

My cheeks are purple/pink/red. 

He leans in, and kisses me.

Loosen up! (A Walker Scobell x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt