Sick photos.

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"Okay...uh..this is what they look like." He shows me them.

"HELP WHY DO WE LOOK LIKE THAT" I almost die laughing.

He's laughing really hard too.

"We look so mad!" I slap my knee.

"Isn't-isn't that a good thing?!" I says through chuckles.

"Oh my gosh. Your eyeliner. OOOOH I REMEMBER DOING THAT!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, it was ALL over my face by the end of the party y/n" he rolls his eyes while smiling.

"You know you looked cool." He smile.

"You think I looked cool?" He smiles back. OH SHIT-

"Obviously! I did it." I think he looks cool all the time though.

His hair is just so AHHH and his guys are so UGHHH and his airs are just EEEE. AND HIS SMILE?!

I'm lowkey fan girling over him not gonna lie.

"Sure." He rolls his eyes again.

"You sure do that a lot." I tease.

"Okay dude, what the flip." he does the sad Eminem pose and I lose my shit. I fall forward laughing and accidentally do a somersault type thing. 


I then accidentally roll off the bed.

"JEEZZZ Y/N!" he says while laughing.

I look up at him. "You said..." I have to break to cackle. It sends me off into another fit.

"Okay! Okay!" He says and offers a hand to help me up.

I take it and he pulls me up. 

Him sitting down on my bed and me standing up are the same height. That's kinda hot...OKAY, THAT WAS WEIRD I NEED TO STOP.

His hand is still holding mine. I look down. "You have nice hands." I tell him.

"Oh-uh..thank-thank you?" he stammers and looks at me.

"I like your nail polish." They painted my nails blue earlier on set.

He smiles. Aww that was cute. Ours hands are still together.

"Okay..uh-so-film today? I mean-when are we filming today?" I sutter. Shit. He knows somethings up.

His eyebrows are raised a little bit he slips his hand back and grabs his phone.

"Eleven." He nods.

"Okay, thank you." I say.

"I should uh...go get dressed." He nods and stands up.

"Okay. See ya later." I head over to my dresser.

"Bye." He closes the door.

I grab a t-shirt with Peanuts characters on it. It's green.

I then grab a pair of black jean shorts.

I head into the bathroom and brush my hair out/manage my curls/fix a few pieces of my hair/fix my edges

I brush my teeth.

I look myself over. My skin looks bright. My lashes are long. I feel great. I smile. Ooo, lipgloss!

I add a clear one on.

It's about 8:45 now. I go and turn on the tv.

It's playing Young Sheldon. Gosh, young Sheldon kicked ass for my last night. That's sick.

I binge a few episodes. Awww. I look at little McKenna play Paige.

I feel myself doze off.


When I wake up I look over at the clock. Ten thirty three. I get off my bed and slip my crocs on.

I hear a knock on my door. I swing it open. 

It's Walker. "Oh-hey." I say.

"Hey. Sorry...I don't have your um number." He says and looks down. "I was wondering if you wanna walk over with me?" He asks.

"Sure, let's go." I pull the door shut behind me and start off down the hallway.

Loosen up! (A Walker Scobell x reader)Where stories live. Discover now