I just can't

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An hour later I'm sprawled across my bed.

Ugh. I'm bored! Tonight is gonna be so boring.

And I can't even text Walker.

Old texts I guess.

y/n: walker do you wanna go see the stars?

walka (COOKIE MONSTERS VERSION 😻): shit sorry I just hopped out of the shower if I go outside I will literally freeze 😔




walka (COOKIE MONSTERS VERSION 😻): Holy shit they look so nice dude

y/n: IKR 🔥🔥

y/n: when I grow up I'm gonna live somewhere where you can always see the stars away from other people

walka (COOKIE MONSTERS VERSION 😻): i would wanna live in an urban area because you're around people, and your kids could probably have someone to play with and stuff

walka (COOKIE MONSTERS VERSION 😻): But on the other hand it would be really cool to live in an area where you're not really close to anyone and you could see the stars so I really don't know

y/n: oh I didn't think about how that would effect kids 

walka (COOKIE MONSTERS VERSION 😻): well I mean it depends if you want them ig

y/n: I think so


Next conversation!

walka (COOKIE MONSTERS VERSION 😻): do you still wanna talk after my shower or do you need to go to bed

I mean I'm down

walka (COOKIE MONSTERS VERSION 😻):I wanna make sure you get enough sleep though

y/n:I'll be fine I'll take a shower too


y/n: perfect

I miss that. We talked non stop except when we had to go to the bathroom or shower or had a family thing.

Okay I genuinely am having a hard time with this.

I see the goodnight texts and throw my phone to the side. Ugh!

Damn it, I can't do this.

I walk out of my room and over to his. I knock on the door.


"Walker, I know you're in there." 

The door swings open.

"Y/n, I already told you we can't do this anymore."

"Do what?! Do what?! What can't we do?!" 

"We can't hang out anymore."

"Why not? We can. Just not around other pe-" he cuts me off.

"We can't be here y/n!"  He tries to close the door but I just push my way inside the room.

He backs up and I close the door behind me.

"Y/n, go back. Leave. I need you to leave or-" my turn to cut him off.

"Or what Walker? Or you'll tell me-" I make air quotes "we cant hand out anymore because you get sexualized y/n " is stop them. "again?! Because it happens even without you and I don't care! you can't stop me from being here."

"Go back to your room. I can't have you here."

"Why not Walker? What are you so afraid of?!"

"Damnit y/n, enough!" He throws his hands up into the air and I trip backwards. I know he wasn't going to hit me or anything but I still flinched and then tripped.

I land on my butt with my hands behind me. My hairs in my face but I can still see him. The look in his eyes has gone from annoyed to upset. Whatever trance he was under has broken.

"Are you okay?" He reaches out a hand.

I stand up by myself. "I'm fine."

I turn and walk out, closing the door behind me.

Loosen up! (A Walker Scobell x reader)Where stories live. Discover now