"After my suicide attempt? What? Do you feel guilty? Is that why you're apologizing to me now? To ease your conscience?" I speak in a sharp tone.

I won't give him the satisfaction of purging himself of guilt.

Cold, mean, mysterious.

In fact, I will let him suffer like this. He deserves it. I lost all respect for him. Now he is nothing to me.

Jacob McClair is officially just a piece of shit to me.

The brunette still doesn't look at me.

I chuckle. "What's going on, honey? Are you afraid to look at me? My poor Jake..." I say in caring, but sarcastic, voice. "And to be honest, yes. You think well. I did it because of your words and everyone else in our fucking group of friends." I tilt my head to the side. "And no, I will not forgive you. Bye bye Jake." I smirk and walk away, back to my boys.

Cold, mean, mysterious.

What I said isn't 100% true, but he doesn't need to know that.

Have I been an asshole? Possible. But I'm not really interested in that at the moment.

"What did you say him? The guy looks shocked." Zayn says to me with a little smirk.

"I may have slightly bent the truth. But what can I do, he deserves it. Let him suffer." I say.

The three of them look at me slightly surprised.

"Damn, Harry. That was cold. I think you're spending too much time with Louis." Liam chuckles.

I shrug. Liam may be right that Tomlinson influenced my behavior, but I don't care. Now I feel stronger. As if I was above everyone else.


After class, I decided to look for Louis. I may be rude and cold towards others, but I'm still myself. I'm still Harry who worries about his loved ones.

I asked Niall for Louis' address under the pretense of giving him back his Spanish notebook.

I'm walking along the sidewalk and I see a small house with the boy coming out of it.

I quickly hide behind a bush. I want to know what he's doing.

Louis gets into the car and drives in the opposite direction from me.


After a while, I leave my hiding place and run so as not to lose sight of my friend's car.

I see him suddenly turn into an alley. I run even faster and when I reach the turn, I calm my breathing as much as I can and enter the mysterious alley.

I see his car parked in the middle. I carefully approach the driver's door to see if he's there.

He's gone.

What the f-

Suddenly, something tugs at the back of my sweatshirt, turns me around quickly, and my back hits the car.

"Are you fucking following me, Styles?" Louis asks me. His face is very close to mine and his hands are clenched on the fabric of the sweatshirt near my neck.

"How did you..."

"Oh, c'mon. Did you really think I wouldn't notice you were following me?" He looks at me with slight contempt. "What were you even thinking?!"

"I just wanted to see what you were doing because you stopped visiting me when I was still in the hospital and you haven't come to school for a few days either." I say with a shaky voice.

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